துணைப் பகுப்புகள்
இந்தப் பகுப்பின் கீழ் பின்வரும் ஒரு துணைப்பகுப்பு மட்டுமே உள்ளது.
- ஆங்கிலம்-தொல்லியல் (4 பக்.)
"ஆங்கிலம்-மானுடவியல்" பகுப்பிலுள்ள பக்கங்கள்
இந்தப்பகுப்பின் கீழ் உள்ள 1,219 பக்கங்களில் பின்வரும் 200 பக்கங்களும் உள்ளன.
(முந்திய பக்கம்) (அடுத்த பக்கம்)A
- ablative case
- aborigine
- aboringe
- accidental cranial deformation
- acoustic features
- acoustic phonetics
- acromian height
- adam’s apple
- adjectival noun
- adjectival phrase
- adolphic polyandry
- adverb of place
- adverb of time
- aelian flute
- afficianced wife
- age-class
- agent noun
- alare
- allelomorphic pairs
- allomorphic change
- alluvial terraces
- alpha-phoneme
- alpine race
- alternative inheritance
- alternative personality
- altitudinal index
- alveolar angle
- alveolar point
- anagenesis
- analogic change
- analogous pair
- anaphase meiosis
- ancestoral
- ancestoral language
- ancestoral worship
- anencephalic
- angle, basal -foranimo
- angle, facial
- angle, spheno-ethmoid
- angle, spheno-maxillary
- animal language
- antarctic region
- anterius lliospinale
- antero-posterior diameter
- anthromorphy
- anthropogenic pressure
- anthropoidea
- anthropological approach
- anthropological linguistics
- antibodies immune
- anticoagulent
- anuloma
- anxiety dream
- apico-alveolar
- apostatic selection
- appercephion
- applied anthropology
- applied linguistics
- aqueous age
- arboreal life
- arch vertebrae
- archaic law
- archiphoneme
- armenoid race
- articulated process
- articulators
- ascendancy
- asexuality
- aspirated sound
- astralagus
- auditory point
- auriculare
- Aurignacian
- autoerotic
- autoerotism
- auxiliary root
- avunculocality
- avuncupotestalist
- axe cultivation
- azoic
- back-bearing
- balanced mechanism
- band organization
- bark canoe
- bark-cloth
- basalis norma
- base adjective
- basic allomorph
- basic root morpheme
- basket-trap
- basket-work
- basketry
- bast cloth
- bi-humeral diameter
- bicondylar diameter
- bilabial
- bilabial fricative
- bilateral descent
- bilateral family
- billingualism
- bimammilary diameter
- biogrammar
- biological economics
- biological evolution
- biological rythms
- biological theory of population
- bipartite system
- bipedal
- bipedal hopping
- bipedal running
- bipedal standing
- bipedal walking
- bipedalism
- bizygomatic breadth
- black hair
- blade of the tongue
- block mountains
- blond hair
- blood money
- blue blood
- blythian selection
- boat wright
- body armour
- bolas
- bone of vertebral column
- bonecell
- borrowed form
- borrowed phonemes
- borrowing language
- boundry
- bow and arrow ceremony
- bow compound
- bow, composite
- bowdrill
- bracer
- brad-sword
- braided string
- brain convulsion
- brain fissures
- breeders
- bride price
- bride purchase
- bronze age
- bull-roarer
- bundle of isoglosses
- bush race
- caenozonic epoch
- calcanean bone
- calthrop
- cap-rock
- caraboat
- cardinal vowel
- care perfume
- carpal bone
- caste composition
- caste status
- caste theory
- casting net
- cateract
- causative suffix
- celebacy
- cephalic index
- cervical bone
- cervical vertebrae
- chalcolithic period
- chalf-cliff
- cheilion
- chellean
- chieftaincy
- child language
- chronoschematic map
- cicatrisation
- circadian rythms
- clan chief
- clan name
- clan organization
- classificatory system
- clavical bone
- click consonant
- climatic map
- clinical psychology
- close vowels
- co-act
- co-eval
- coccygeal vertebrae
- coccyx bone
- coda
- collateral kin
- collective life
- collective ownership
- collective proprietorship
- colloquial language
- colour combination
- colour, hair
- commensalities
- commercial areas
- commercial land
- common culture
- common noun
- communal house