
This template may be used for creating citations in "References" sections and on discussion pages. For indicating quotations in dictionary entries, please use {{quote-journal}}.

Sample templates

Most commonly used parameters
All available parameters

Certain basic parameters can be used in the template without any named parameters, as follows:

#* {{cite-journal|[year]|[author]|[title]|[journal]|[url]|[page]|[passage]}}

This will not work if any of the parameters contains an equals ("=") sign. The value of any parameter containing an equals sign must be surrounded by <nowiki> tags, like this: "<nowiki>http://foo.com?id=bar</nowiki>". Alternatively, use a named parameter such as url.

The following example:

{{cite-journal|author=A. R. Dunkel|coauthors=J. S. Zijlstra; C. P. Groves|title=Giant Rabbits, Marmosets, and British Comedies: Etymology of Lemur Names, Part 1|url=http://www.aeecl.org/lemurnews/lemurnews2011_16.pdf|archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20140324170841/http://www.aeecl.org/lemurnews/lemurnews2011_16.pdf|archivedate=24 March 2014|journal=Lemur News|volume=16|date=2011–2012|pages=64–70}}.

produces this:

A. R. Dunkel; J. S. Zijlstra; C. P. Groves (2011–2012), “Giant Rabbits, Marmosets, and British Comedies: Etymology of Lemur Names, Part 1”, in Lemur News[1], volume 16, archived from the original on 24 March 2014, pages 64–70.



All parameters are optional except for those marked "Mandatory", and may contain inline interwiki or external links as needed.

Parameter Description
last and first
The author's name. Use either author, or last and first, not both. Additional authors can be added using the parameters author2 to author5, or last2 and first2 to last5 and first5.
authorlink The name of an English Wikipedia article about the author, which will be linked to the author's name. Additional articles can be linked to other authors' names using the parameters authorlink2 to authorlink5. Do not add the prefix ":en:" or "w:". This parameter cannot link to another external website.

Alternatively, link the author's name directly, like this: "author=[[w:Charles Butler (lawyer)|Charles Butler]]" or "author={{w|Edward Coke}}".

coauthors The names of one or more coauthors. If there is more than one, separate the names with semicolons.
quotee The name of the person being quoted, if the whole passage quoted is a quotation of someone other than the author.
title The title of the journal article.
trans-title If the title of the journal article is not in English, use this parameter to provide an English translation of the title.
url The URL or web address of a website where the full text of the journal article can be accessed.
archiveurl and archivedate
Use archiveurl and archivedate (which must be used together) to indicate the URL or web address of a webpage on a website such as the Internet Archive or Perma.cc at which the webpage has been archived, and the date on which the webpage was archived.

Alternatively, if the webpage cannot be archived, use accessdate to indicate when its URL was accessed. (If the webpage has been archived, it is unnecessary to use this parameter.)

editor or editors The name of one or more editors of the journal.
journal Mandatory: the name of the journal. The parameter names magazine, periodical and work may also be used.
trans-work If the name of the journal is not in English, this parameter can be used to provide an English translation of the name.
format The format of the journal article, for example, "PDF".
language The language in which the journal article is written. (If the article is written in English, it is unnecessary to use this parameter.)
version The version of the journal article quoted.
volume The volume number of the journal referred to.
issue The issue number of the journal referred to. For example, if the issue is "volume 1, number 3", then type "issue=3".
edition The edition of the journal, if any. It is usually not necessary to indicate the first or only edition of a journal.
location The location(s) where the journal was published. If more than one location is stated, separate the locations with semicolons, like this: "London; New York, N.Y.".
publisher The name of one or more publishers of the journal. If more than one publisher is stated, separate the names with semicolons.
bibcode, doi, issn, jstor, lccn, oclc, pmid, ssrn or id The Bibcode, digital object identifier (DOI), JSTOR number, Library of Congress Control Number (LCCN), Online Computer Library Center (OCLC) number (which can be looked up at the WorldCat website), PubMed Identifier (PMID), and/or Social Sciences Research Network (SSRN) number of the journal article, and/or the International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) of the journal.

Use id for an identifier other than the ones listed above.

(month and) year
Mandatory: the date, or (month and) year, of publication of the journal article. Alternatively, the information can be specified like this: "1=2015" ("1=" may be omitted if the information is put in the template as the first unnamed parameter).
year_published If year is used to state the year when the original version of the journal article was published, year_published can be used to state the year in which the version quoted from was published, for example, "|year=1919|year_published=2009".
others Other information about the journal article.
section If the page of the journal referred to has no number (for example, "frontispiece" or "title page"), use this parameter to refer to it. The word "page" or "pages" will not be displayed.
sectionurl The URL or web address of the webpage containing the section of the journal article referred to. The section number will be linked to this webpage.
page or pages The page number or range of page numbers referred to. Use an en dash to separate the page numbers in the range, for example, "pages=1–2".
pageurl The URL or web address of the webpage containing the page of the journal article referred to. The page number(s) will be linked to this webpage.
The column number or range of column numbers of the work. Use an en dash to separate the column numbers in the range.
columnurl The URL or web address of the webpage containing the column(s) of the work referred to. The column number(s) will be linked to this webpage.
passage A passage from the journal article that you wish to quote. If the passage exceeds 200 characters, it is automatically displayed in a separate text block. To suppress this, use passage_block=no.
passage_block This parameter can be used in two ways:
  • To have the template display a quote in a separate text block.
  • Use passage_block=no together with passage to ensure that the quote is not displayed in a separate text block (see passage above).

Technical information


This template makes use of {{cite-meta}}.

  • {{quote-journal}} – for quotations in dictionary entries
  • {{cite journal}} – the corresponding template at the English Wikipedia.

"https://ta.wiktionary.org/w/index.php?title=வார்ப்புரு:cite-journal&oldid=1765562" இலிருந்து மீள்விக்கப்பட்டது