Documentation for this module may be created at Module:languages/data3/a/doc
local u = mw.ustring.char
-- UTF-8 encoded strings for some commonly-used diacritics
local GRAVE = u(0x0300)
local ACUTE = u(0x0301)
local CIRC = u(0x0302)
local TILDE = u(0x0303)
local MACRON = u(0x0304)
local BREVE = u(0x0306)
local DOTABOVE = u(0x0307)
local DIAER = u(0x0308)
local CARON = u(0x030C)
local DGRAVE = u(0x030F)
local INVBREVE = u(0x0311)
local DOTBELOW = u(0x0323)
local RINGBELOW = u(0x0325)
local CEDILLA = u(0x0327)
-- Use these in "scripts" to save a little memory.
local Arab = {"Arab"}
local Cyrl = {"Cyrl"}
local Deva = {"Deva"}
local Latn = {"Latn"}
local m = {}
m["aaa"] = {
otherNames = {"Otuo"},
scripts = Latn,
m["aab"] = {
otherNames = {"Alumu", "Tesu"},
scripts = Latn,
m["aac"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["aad"] = {
otherNames = {"Alai"},
scripts = Latn,
-- "aae" IS TREATED AS "sq", SEE WT:LT
m["aaf"] = {
otherNames = {"Eranadan"},
scripts = {"Mlym"},
m["aag"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["aah"] = {
"Abu' Arapesh",
otherNames = {"Abu'", "Ua"},
scripts = Latn,
m["aai"] = {
otherNames = {"Arifama", "Miniafia"},
scripts = Latn,
m["aak"] = {
otherNames = {"Angave"},
scripts = Latn,
m["aal"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["aan"] = {
otherNames = {"Anambe"},
scripts = Latn,
m["aao"] = {
"Algerian Saharan Arabic",
scripts = Arab,
entry_name = {
from = {u(0x0671), u(0x064B), u(0x064C), u(0x064D), u(0x064E), u(0x064F), u(0x0650), u(0x0651), u(0x0652), u(0x0670), u(0x0640)},
to = {u(0x0627)}},
m["aap"] = {
"Pará Arára",
otherNames = {"Arára"},
scripts = Latn,
m["aaq"] = {
otherNames = {"Eastern Abenaki", "Eastern Abnaki"},
scripts = Latn,
m["aas"] = {
otherNames = {"Aasáx", "Asa", "Aramanik", "Laramanik"},
scripts = Latn,
-- "aat" IS TREATED AS "sq", SEE WT:LT
m["aau"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["aaw"] = {
otherNames = {"Arove", "Arawe"},
scripts = Latn,
m["aax"] = {
"Mandobo Atas",
scripts = Latn,
m["aaz"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["aba"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["abb"] = {
otherNames = {"Abo", "Bo", "Abaw", "Miang", "Mandouka"},
scripts = Latn,
m["abc"] = {
"Ambala Ayta",
scripts = Latn,
m["abd"] = {
"Camarines Norte Agta",
otherNames = {"Manide"},
scripts = Latn,
m["abe"] = {
otherNames = {"Western Abenaki", "Abnaki", "Western Abnaki"},
scripts = Latn,
m["abf"] = {
"Abai Sungai",
scripts = Latn,
m["abg"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["abh"] = {
"Tajiki Arabic",
scripts = Arab,
m["abi"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["abj"] = {
otherNames = {"Bea", "Aka-Bea-da", "Akabeada", "Aka-Bia", "Bia", "Aka-Bia-da", "Akabiada", "Bojingiji"},
scripts = Latn,
m["abl"] = {
otherNames = {"Pepadun", "Lampung Nyo"},
scripts = Latn,
m["abm"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["abn"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["abo"] = {
otherNames = {"Abɔ̃"},
scripts = Latn,
m["abp"] = {
"Abenlen Ayta",
scripts = Latn,
m["abq"] = {
scripts = Cyrl,
translit_module = "abq-translit",
override_translit = true,
m["abr"] = {
otherNames = {"Brong"},
scripts = Latn,
m["abs"] = {
"Ambonese Malay",
scripts = Latn,
m["abt"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["abu"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["abv"] = {
"Baharna Arabic",
otherNames = {"Bahrani Arabic"},
scripts = Arab,
entry_name = {
from = {u(0x0671), u(0x064B), u(0x064C), u(0x064D), u(0x064E), u(0x064F), u(0x0650), u(0x0651), u(0x0652), u(0x0670), u(0x0640)},
to = {u(0x0627)}},
m["abw"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["abx"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["aby"] = {
"Aneme Wake",
scripts = Latn,
m["abz"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["aca"] = {
otherNames = {"Achawa", "Ajagua"},
scripts = Latn,
m["acb"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["acd"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["ace"] = {
otherNames = {"Achinese", "Atjehnese"},
scripts = {"Latn", "Arab"},
m["ach"] = {
otherNames = {"Acoli", "Shuli", "Acooli"},
scripts = Latn,
m["aci"] = {
otherNames = {"Cari", "Aka-Kari", "Kari", "Chariar"},
scripts = Latn,
m["ack"] = {
otherNames = {"Kora"},
scripts = Latn,
m["acl"] = {
otherNames = {"Bale", "Bele", "Akar-Bele", "Balawa", "Balwa", "Bojingiji"},
scripts = Latn,
m["acm"] = {
"Iraqi Arabic",
otherNames = {"Mesopotamian Arabic"},
scripts = Arab,
entry_name = {
from = {u(0x0671), u(0x064B), u(0x064C), u(0x064D), u(0x064E), u(0x064F), u(0x0650), u(0x0651), u(0x0652), u(0x0670), u(0x0640)},
to = {u(0x0627)}},
m["acn"] = {
otherNames = {"Xiandao", "Ngochang", "Ngachang"},
scripts = Latn,
m["acp"] = {
"Eastern Acipa",
scripts = Latn,
m["acq"] = {
"Ta'izzi-Adeni Arabic",
otherNames = {"Southern Yemeni Arabic"},
scripts = Arab,
entry_name = {
from = {u(0x0671), u(0x064B), u(0x064C), u(0x064D), u(0x064E), u(0x064F), u(0x0650), u(0x0651), u(0x0652), u(0x0670), u(0x0640)},
to = {u(0x0627)}},
m["acr"] = {
otherNames = {"Achí", "Achi Maya", "Cubulco Achi", "Cubulco Achí", "Cubulco Achi'"},
scripts = Latn,
m["acs"] = {
otherNames = {"Akroá", "Coroá", "Acroa"},
scripts = Latn,
m["acu"] = {
otherNames = {"Achuar-Shiwiar"},
scripts = Latn,
m["acv"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["acw"] = {
"Hijazi Arabic",
otherNames = {"Hejazi Arabic", "West Arabian Arabic"},
scripts = Arab,
entry_name = {
from = {u(0x0671), u(0x064B), u(0x064C), u(0x064D), u(0x064E), u(0x064F), u(0x0650), u(0x0651), u(0x0652), u(0x0670), u(0x0640)},
to = {u(0x0627)}},
m["acx"] = {
"Omani Arabic",
scripts = Arab,
entry_name = {
from = {u(0x0671), u(0x064B), u(0x064C), u(0x064D), u(0x064E), u(0x064F), u(0x0650), u(0x0651), u(0x0652), u(0x0670), u(0x0640)},
to = {u(0x0627)}},
m["acy"] = {
"Cypriot Arabic",
scripts = Arab,
ancestors = {"acm"},
m["acz"] = {
otherNames = {"Asheron"},
scripts = Latn,
m["ada"] = {
otherNames = {"Dangme"},
scripts = Latn,
m["adb"] = { -- rename or remove, see RFM
scripts = Latn,
m["add"] = {
otherNames = {"Lidzonka"},
scripts = Latn,
m["ade"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["adf"] = {
"Dhofari Arabic",
scripts = Arab,
entry_name = {
from = {u(0x0671), u(0x064B), u(0x064C), u(0x064D), u(0x064E), u(0x064F), u(0x0650), u(0x0651), u(0x0652), u(0x0670), u(0x0640)},
to = {u(0x0627)}},
m["adg"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["adh"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["adi"] = {
otherNames = {"Abor", "Ashing", "Minyong", "Mising", "Padam", "Panggi", "Pasi", "Shimong", "Ajukru"},
scripts = Latn,
m["adj"] = {
otherNames = {"Adjukru", "Adyoukrou", "Adyukru", "Ajukru"},
scripts = Latn,
m["adl"] = {
otherNames = {"Gallong"},
scripts = Latn,
m["adn"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["ado"] = {
otherNames = {"Adjora"},
scripts = Latn,
m["adp"] = {
scripts = {"Tibt"},
ancestors = {"dz"},
wikipedia_article = "Dzongkha", -- Considered a dialect of Dzongkha
m["adq"] = {
otherNames = {"Agotime"},
scripts = Latn,
m["adr"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["ads"] = {
"Adamorobe Sign Language",
scripts = Latn, -- when documented
m["adt"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["adu"] = {
scripts = Latn,
wikipedia_article = "Okpamheri language",
m["adw"] = {
otherNames = {"Amundava"},
scripts = Latn,
m["ady"] = {
otherNames = {"West Circassian"},
scripts = Cyrl,
translit_module = "ady-translit",
override_translit = true,
m["adz"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["aea"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["aeb"] = {
"Tunisian Arabic",
scripts = Arab,
entry_name = {
from = {u(0x0671), u(0x064B), u(0x064C), u(0x064D), u(0x064E), u(0x064F), u(0x0650), u(0x0651), u(0x0652), u(0x0670), u(0x0640)},
to = {u(0x0627)}},
m["aec"] = {
"Saidi Arabic",
otherNames = {"Sa'idi Arabic", "Upper Egyptian Arabic", "Upper Egypt Arabic"},
scripts = Arab,
entry_name = {
from = {u(0x0671), u(0x064B), u(0x064C), u(0x064D), u(0x064E), u(0x064F), u(0x0650), u(0x0651), u(0x0652), u(0x0670), u(0x0640)},
to = {u(0x0627)}},
m["aed"] = {
"Argentine Sign Language",
scripts = Latn, -- when documented
m["aee"] = {
"Northeast Pashayi",
otherNames = {"Northeast Pashai", "Pashai"},
scripts = Latn,
m["aek"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["ael"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["aem"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["aen"] = {
"Armenian Sign Language",
m["aeq"] = {
scripts = Arab,
ancestors = {"psu"},
m["aer"] = {
"Eastern Arrernte",
scripts = Latn,
m["aes"] = {
otherNames = {"Yaquina", "Yakwina", "Alseya", "Yakona"}, -- names of the two dialects that make up the language
scripts = Latn,
m["aeu"] = {
otherNames = {"Chepya"},
scripts = Latn,
m["aew"] = {
otherNames = {"Aion", "Porapora"},
scripts = Latn,
m["aey"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["aez"] = {
otherNames = {"Aiga", "Orokaiva"}, -- last is the name of a macrolanguage
scripts = Latn,
wikipedia_article = "Orokaiva language", -- subvariety?
m["afb"] = {
"Gulf Arabic",
scripts = Arab,
entry_name = {
from = {u(0x0671), u(0x064B), u(0x064C), u(0x064D), u(0x064E), u(0x064F), u(0x0650), u(0x0651), u(0x0652), u(0x0670), u(0x0640)},
to = {u(0x0627)}},
m["afd"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["afe"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["afg"] = {
"Afghan Sign Language",
m["afh"] = {
scripts = Latn,
type = "appendix-constructed",
m["afi"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["afk"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["afn"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["afo"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["afp"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["afs"] = {
"Afro-Seminole Creole",
scripts = Latn,
m["aft"] = {
otherNames = {"Affiti", "Ditti"},
scripts = Latn,
m["afu"] = {
otherNames = {"Efutu"},
scripts = Latn,
m["afz"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["aga"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["agb"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["agc"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["agd"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["age"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["agf"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["agg"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["agh"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["agi"] = {
scripts = Deva,
m["agj"] = {
scripts = {"Ethi"},
m["agk"] = {
"Isarog Agta",
scripts = Latn,
m["agl"] = {
otherNames = {"Agala"},
scripts = Latn,
m["agm"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["agn"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["ago"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["agq"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["agr"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["ags"] = {
otherNames = {"Isimbi"},
scripts = Latn,
m["agt"] = {
"Central Cagayan Agta",
scripts = Latn,
m["agu"] = {
otherNames = {"Aguacatec", "Aguacateco", "Awakatek", "Awakateko", "Awakateka"},
scripts = Latn,
m["agv"] = {
"Remontado Agta",
otherNames = {"Remontado Dumagat", "Sinauna", "Hatang Kayey"},
scripts = Latn,
m["agw"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["agx"] = {
otherNames = {"Agul"},
scripts = Cyrl,
m["agy"] = {
"Southern Alta",
scripts = Latn,
m["agz"] = {
"Mt. Iriga Agta",
scripts = Latn,
m["aha"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["ahb"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["ahg"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["ahh"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["ahi"] = {
"Tiagbamrin Aizi",
scripts = Latn,
m["ahk"] = {
otherNames = {"Aka", "Ako"},
scripts = {"Latn", "Mymr", "Thai"},
sort_key = {
from = {"%p", "[็-๎]", "([เแโใไ])([ก-ฮ])"},
to = {"", "", "%2%1"}},
m["ahl"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["ahm"] = {
"Mobumrin Aizi",
scripts = Latn,
m["ahn"] = {
otherNames = {"Ahan", "Ahaan"},
scripts = Latn,
m["aho"] = {
scripts = {"Ahom"},
translit_module = "Ahom-translit",
m["ahp"] = {
"Aproumu Aizi",
scripts = Latn,
m["ahr"] = {
otherNames = {"Khandeshi", "Khandesi"},
scripts = Deva,
ancestors = {"pmh"},
m["ahs"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["aht"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["aia"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["aib"] = {
otherNames = {"Ainu", "Äynu", "Ainu (China)", "Aini", "Eyni", "Ejnu", "Abdal", "Äynú"},
scripts = {"Arab", "Latn"},
m["aic"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["aid"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["aie"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["aif"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["aig"] = {
"Antigua and Barbuda Creole English",
scripts = Latn,
m["aih"] = {
scripts = {"Latn", "Hani"},
m["aii"] = {
"Assyrian Neo-Aramaic",
scripts = {"Syrc"},
m["aij"] = {
"Lishanid Noshan",
scripts = {"Hebr"},
m["aik"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["ail"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["aim"] = {
scripts = {"Latn", "Beng"},
m["ain"] = {
otherNames = {"Ainu (Japan)"},
scripts = {"Kana", "Latn", "Cyrl"},
m["aio"] = {
otherNames = {"Tai Aiton", "Tai"},
scripts = {"Mymr"},
m["aip"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["air"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["ais"] = {
"Nataoran Amis",
scripts = Latn,
m["ait"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["aiw"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["aix"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["aiy"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["aja"] = {
otherNames = {"Adja", "Aja (Sudan)"},
scripts = Latn,
m["ajg"] = {
otherNames = {"Aja", "Aja (Benin)", "Aja (Togo)", "Ajagbe"},
scripts = Latn,
m["aji"] = {
otherNames = {"Houailou"},
scripts = Latn,
m["ajn"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["ajp"] = {
"South Levantine Arabic",
scripts = Arab,
entry_name = {
from = {u(0x0671), u(0x064B), u(0x064C), u(0x064D), u(0x064E), u(0x064F), u(0x0650), u(0x0651), u(0x0652), u(0x0670), u(0x0640)},
to = {u(0x0627)}},
m["ajt"] = {
"Judeo-Tunisian Arabic",
scripts = {"Hebr"},
ancestors = {"aeb"},
m["aju"] = {
"Judeo-Moroccan Arabic",
scripts = {"Hebr"},
m["ajw"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["ajz"] = {
"Amri Karbi",
scripts = Latn,
m["akb"] = {
"Angkola Batak",
otherNames = {"Batak Angkola"},
scripts = {"Latn", "Batk"},
m["akc"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["akd"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["ake"] = {
otherNames = {"Acauayo", "Acaguayo", "Akawai", "Acawai", "Accawai"},
scripts = Latn,
m["akf"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["akg"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["akh"] = {
"Angal Heneng",
scripts = Latn,
m["aki"] = {
otherNames = {"Aiom", "Ayom"},
scripts = Latn,
m["akj"] = {
otherNames = {"Aka-Jeru"},
scripts = Latn,
m["akk"] = {
scripts = {"Xsux"},
m["akl"] = {
otherNames = {"Aklan", "Akeanon"},
scripts = Latn,
m["akm"] = {
otherNames = {"Ba", "Bo"},
scripts = Latn,
m["ako"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["akp"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["akq"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["akr"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["aks"] = {
otherNames = {"Tchamba", "Akasele", "Tsamba"},
scripts = Latn,
m["akt"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["aku"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["akv"] = {
scripts = Cyrl,
m["akw"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["akx"] = {
otherNames = {"Kede"},
scripts = Latn,
m["aky"] = {
otherNames = {"Kol", "Kawl", "Aka-Kawl", "Bojingiji"},
scripts = Latn,
m["akz"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["ala"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["alc"] = {
otherNames = {"Qawasqar", "Alacaluf"},
scripts = Latn,
m["ald"] = {
otherNames = {"Alladyan", "Allagian", "Alaguian"},
scripts = Latn,
m["ale"] = {
otherNames = {"Aleutian"},
scripts = Latn,
m["alf"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["alh"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["ali"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["alj"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["alk"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["all"] = {
otherNames = {"Chatan"},
scripts = {"Mlym"},
-- "aln" IS TREATED AS "sq", SEE WT:LT
m["alm"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["alo"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["alp"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["alq"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["alr"] = {
scripts = Cyrl,
m["alt"] = {
"Southern Altai",
otherNames = {"Southern Altay", "Altai", "Altay"},
scripts = Cyrl,
translit_module = "Altai-translit",
m["alu"] = {
otherNames = {"Areare"},
scripts = Latn,
m["alw"] = {
otherNames = {"Alaba-K'abeena", "Alaaba", "K'abeena"},
scripts = Latn,
m["alx"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["aly"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["alz"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["ama"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["amb"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["amc"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["ame"] = {
otherNames = {"Amuesha"},
scripts = Latn,
m["amf"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["amg"] = {
otherNames = {"Amarag"},
scripts = Latn,
m["ami"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["amj"] = {
otherNames = {"Biltine", "Mimi"},
scripts = Latn,
m["amk"] = {
otherNames = {"Wadapi-Laut"},
scripts = Latn,
m["aml"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["amm"] = {
otherNames = {"Ama (New Guinea)", "Ama (Papua New Guinea)"},
scripts = Latn,
m["amn"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["amo"] = {
otherNames = {"Timap", "Map", "Among", "Amap", "Amon"},
scripts = Latn,
m["amp"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["amq"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["amr"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["ams"] = {
"Southern Amami-Oshima",
scripts = {"Jpan"},
m["amt"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["amu"] = {
"Guerrero Amuzgo",
otherNames = {"Amuzgo", "Xochistlahuaca Amuzgo", "Northern Amuzgo", "Southern Amuzgo"},
scripts = Latn,
m["amv"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["amw"] = {
"Western Neo-Aramaic",
scripts = {"Armi", "Syrc", "Latn"},
m["amx"] = {
otherNames = {"Namfau"},
scripts = Latn,
m["amy"] = {
otherNames = {"Ame", "Amijangal"},
scripts = Latn,
m["amz"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["ana"] = {
otherNames = {"Andaquí", "Andakí", "Andaki"},
scripts = Latn,
m["anb"] = {
otherNames = {"Shimigae", "Semigae", "Gae", "Gay", "Gaye", "Siaviri", "Katsakáti"},
scripts = Latn,
m["anc"] = {
otherNames = {"Angas", "Angass", "Hill Ngas", "Plain Ngas", "Hill Angas", "Plain Angas", "Karang", "Kerang"},
scripts = Latn,
m["and"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["ane"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["anf"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["ang"] = {
"Old English",
otherNames = {"Anglo-Saxon"},
scripts = {"Latinx"},
entry_name = {
from = {"[ĀÁ]", "[āá]", "[ǢǼ]", "[ǣǽ]", "Ċ", "ċ", "[ĒÉ]", "[ēé]", "Ġ", "ġ", "[ĪÍ]", "[īí]", "[ŌÓ]", "[ōó]", "[ŪÚ]", "[ūú]", "[ȲÝ]", "[ȳý]", MACRON, ACUTE, DOTABOVE},
to = {"A", "a", "Æ", "æ", "C", "c", "E", "e", "G", "g", "I", "i", "O", "o", "U", "u", "Y", "y"}},
m["anh"] = {
otherNames = {"Nent", "Angaua"},
scripts = Latn,
m["ani"] = {
scripts = Cyrl,
m["anj"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["ank"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["anl"] = {
otherNames = {"Khaungtso", "Anu-Hkongso", "Anu-Hkongso Chin"}, -- the last is the ISO's unattested blend of the names of its two dialects and half of the name of the place where it's spoken
scripts = Latn,
m["anm"] = {
otherNames = {"Anaal", "Namfau"}, -- Namfau is actually a placename
scripts = Latn,
m["ann"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["ano"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["anp"] = {
scripts = Deva,
ancestors = {"bh"},
m["anq"] = {
otherNames = {"Jarawa (India)"},
scripts = Latn,
m["anr"] = {
scripts = Deva,
m["ans"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["ant"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["anu"] = {
otherNames = {"Anyua", "Anywa", "Anyuak"},
scripts = Latn,
m["anv"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["anw"] = {
otherNames = {"Anang", "Annang", "Western Ibibio"},
scripts = Latn,
m["anx"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["any"] = {
otherNames = {"Anyin"},
scripts = Latn,
m["anz"] = {
otherNames = {"Anêm"},
scripts = Latn,
m["aoa"] = {
scripts = Latn,
ancestors = {"pt"},
m["aob"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["aoc"] = {
otherNames = {"Arekuna", "Arecuna"},
scripts = Latn,
m["aod"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["aoe"] = {
"Angal Enen",
scripts = Latn,
m["aof"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["aog"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["aoh"] = {
"Arma", -- spurious? "a possible but unattested extinct language",
scripts = Latn,
m["aoi"] = {
otherNames = {"Enindhilyagwa"},
scripts = Latn,
m["aoj"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["aok"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["aol"] = {
otherNames = {"Alorese"},
scripts = Latn,
m["aom"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["aon"] = {
"Bumbita Arapesh",
scripts = Latn,
m["aor"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["aos"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["aot"] = {
"Atong (India)",
otherNames = {"Atong", "A'tong"},
scripts = Latn,
m["aou"] = {
otherNames = {"Ayo", "A'ou Gelao"},
scripts = Latn, -- also Hani?
wikipedia_article = "Gelao language", -- might change, as A'ou is a dialect of Gelao
m["aox"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["aoz"] = {
"Uab Meto",
scripts = Latn,
m["apb"] = {
otherNames = {"South Malaita", "Apae'aa"},
scripts = Latn,
m["apc"] = {
"North Levantine Arabic",
scripts = Arab,
entry_name = {
from = {u(0x0671), u(0x064B), u(0x064C), u(0x064D), u(0x064E), u(0x064F), u(0x0650), u(0x0651), u(0x0652), u(0x0670), u(0x0640)},
to = {u(0x0627)}},
m["apd"] = {
"Sudanese Arabic",
scripts = Arab,
entry_name = {
from = {u(0x0671), u(0x064B), u(0x064C), u(0x064D), u(0x064E), u(0x064F), u(0x0650), u(0x0651), u(0x0652), u(0x0670), u(0x0640)},
to = {u(0x0627)}},
m["ape"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["apf"] = {
"Pahanan Agta",
scripts = Latn,
m["apg"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["aph"] = {
otherNames = {"Athpariya"},
scripts = {"Deva", "Latn"},
m["api"] = {
otherNames = {"Apiacá"},
scripts = Latn,
m["apj"] = {
otherNames = {"Jicarilla Apache"},
scripts = Latn,
m["apk"] = {
"Plains Apache",
otherNames = {"Kiowa Apache"},
scripts = Latn,
m["apl"] = {
otherNames = {"Lipan Apache"},
scripts = Latn,
m["apm"] = {
otherNames = {"Mescalero", "Mescalero-Chiricahua Apache"}, -- two dialects combined by Ethnologue
scripts = Latn,
m["apn"] = {
otherNames = {"Apinajé", "Apinagé", "Apinaye", "Apinaje", "Apinage"},
scripts = Latn,
m["apo"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["app"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["apq"] = {
otherNames = {"Pucikwar", "Puchikwar", "Aka-Pucikwar", "Pujjukar", "Bójigiáb", "Bojigiab", "Bojigyab"}, -- last three may apply also to other languages
scripts = Latn,
m["apr"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["aps"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["apt"] = {
otherNames = {"Apa Tani", "Tanii"},
scripts = Latn,
m["apu"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["apv"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["apw"] = {
"Western Apache",
scripts = Latn,
m["apx"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["apy"] = {
otherNames = {"Apalai"},
scripts = Latn,
m["apz"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["aqc"] = {
scripts = Cyrl,
m["aqd"] = {
"Ampari Dogon",
scripts = Latn,
m["aqg"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["aqm"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["aqn"] = {
"Northern Alta",
scripts = Latn,
m["aqp"] = {
otherNames = {"Akokisa", "Orcoquiza", "Eastern Atakapa", "Western Atakapa"},
scripts = Latn,
m["aqr"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["aqt"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["aqz"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["arc"] = {
otherNames = {"Imperial Aramaic", "Official Aramaic", "Biblical Aramaic"},
scripts = {"Hebr", "Armi", "Syrc", "Palm", "Nbat", "Phnx", "Mand", "Samr"},
entry_name = {
from = {"[" .. u(0x0591) .. "-" .. u(0x05BD) .. u(0x05BF) .. "-" .. u(0x05C5) .. u(0x05C7) .. "]", "[" .. u(0x0304) .. u(0x0308) .. u(0x0331) .. u(0x0730) .. "-" .. u(0x0748) .. "]" },
to = {}} ,
m["ard"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["are"] = {
"Western Arrernte",
scripts = Latn,
m["arh"] = {
otherNames = {"Ika"},
scripts = Latn,
m["ari"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["arj"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["ark"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["arl"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["arn"] = {
scripts = Latn,
otherNames = {"Mapuche", "Mapudungün", "Mapuzugün", "Mapudungu", "Araucanian"},
m["aro"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["arp"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["arq"] = {
"Algerian Arabic",
scripts = Arab,
entry_name = {
from = {u(0x0671), u(0x064B), u(0x064C), u(0x064D), u(0x064E), u(0x064F), u(0x0650), u(0x0651), u(0x0652), u(0x0670), u(0x0640)},
to = {u(0x0627)}},
m["arr"] = {
otherNames = {"Karo", "Karo (Brazil)", "Ramarama", "Itanga", "Itogapuc", "Itogapúk", "Ntogapid", "Ntogapig", "Arára", "Arára de Rondonia", "Arára do Jiparaná", "Uruku", "Urukú"},
scripts = Latn,
m["ars"] = {
"Najdi Arabic",
scripts = Arab,
entry_name = {
from = {u(0x0671), u(0x064B), u(0x064C), u(0x064D), u(0x064E), u(0x064F), u(0x0650), u(0x0651), u(0x0652), u(0x0670), u(0x0640)},
to = {u(0x0627)}},
m["aru"] = {
otherNames = {"Aruá", "Arawa", "Arawá"}, -- extinct, northern Brazil, cf. 'arx'
scripts = Latn,
m["arv"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["arw"] = {
ancestors = {"awd-taa-pro"},
scripts = Latn,
m["arx"] = {
otherNames = {"Arua", "Aruashi", "Aruáshi", "Aruachi"}, -- moribund, central Brazil, cf 'aru'
scripts = Latn,
m["ary"] = {
"Moroccan Arabic",
scripts = {"Arab", "Latn"},
entry_name = {
from = {u(0x0671), u(0x064B), u(0x064C), u(0x064D), u(0x064E), u(0x064F), u(0x0650), u(0x0651), u(0x0652), u(0x0670), u(0x0640)},
to = {u(0x0627)}},
m["arz"] = {
"Egyptian Arabic",
scripts = Arab,
entry_name = {
from = {u(0x0671), u(0x064B), u(0x064C), u(0x064D), u(0x064E), u(0x064F), u(0x0650), u(0x0651), u(0x0652), u(0x0670), u(0x0640)},
to = {u(0x0627)}},
m["asa"] = {
otherNames = {"Asu", "Asu (Tanzania)", "Chasu", "Kipare", "Southern Pare", "South Pare"},
scripts = Latn,
m["asb"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["asc"] = {
"Casuarina Coast Asmat",
scripts = Latn,
m["asd"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["ase"] = {
"American Sign Language",
otherNames = {"Ameslan", "ASL"},
scripts = {"Sgnw"},
m["asf"] = {
otherNames = {"Australian Sign Language"},
scripts = Latn, -- when documented
m["asg"] = {
otherNames = {"Shingini"},
scripts = Latn,
m["ash"] = {
otherNames = {"Tequiraca", "Tekiráka", "Avishiri", "Auishiri", "Agouisiri", "Avirxiri", "Abiquira", "Abigira", "Aiwa", "Aewa"},
scripts = Latn,
m["asi"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["asj"] = {
otherNames = {"Sari", "Saari"},
scripts = Latn,
m["ask"] = {
scripts = {"Arab", "Latn"},
m["asl"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["asn"] = {
"Xingú Asuriní",
scripts = Latn,
m["aso"] = {
scripts = {"Latn"},
m["asp"] = {
"Algerian Sign Language",
m["asq"] = {
"Austrian Sign Language",
scripts = Latn, -- when documented
m["asr"] = {
otherNames = {"Asur"},
scripts = Latn, -- when documented
m["ass"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["ast"] = {
scripts = Latn,
ancestors = {"roa-ole"},
m["asu"] = {
"Tocantins Asurini",
otherNames = {"Asurini", "Asuriní", "Asuriní of Tocantins", "Asuriní do Tocantins", "Akwawa", "Akwáwa"},
scripts = Latn,
m["asv"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["asw"] = {
"Australian Aboriginal Sign Language",
otherNames = {"Australian Aborigines Sign Language"},
scripts = Latn, -- when documented
m["asx"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["asy"] = {
"Yaosakor Asmat",
scripts = Latn,
m["asz"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["ata"] = {
otherNames = {"Ata", "Wasi"},
scripts = Latn,
m["atb"] = {
scripts = Latn, -- also Hani?
m["atc"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["atd"] = {
"Ata Manobo",
scripts = Latn,
m["ate"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["atg"] = {
otherNames = {"Ivbie North", "Arhe", "Ivbie North-Okpela-Arhe"},
scripts = Latn,
m["ati"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["atj"] = {
scripts = Latn,
ancestors = {"cr"},
m["atk"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["atl"] = {
"Mt. Iraya Agta",
scripts = Latn,
m["atm"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["ato"] = {
"Atong (Cameroon)",
otherNames = {"Atoŋ", "Atong"},
scripts = Latn,
m["atp"] = {
"Pudtol Atta",
scripts = Latn,
m["atq"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["atr"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["ats"] = {
"Gros Ventre",
otherNames = {"Atsina"},
scripts = Latn,
m["att"] = {
"Pamplona Atta",
scripts = Latn,
m["atu"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["atv"] = {
"Northern Altai",
otherNames = {"Northern Altay", "Altai", "Altay"},
scripts = Cyrl,
translit_module = "Altai-translit",
m["atw"] = {
otherNames = {"Atsugé"},
scripts = Latn,
m["atx"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["aty"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["atz"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["aua"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["aub"] = {
scripts = Latn, -- also Hani?
m["auc"] = {
otherNames = {"Waorani", "Sabela", "Wao", "Huao", "Aushiri", "Ssabela", "Wao Terero", "Auka", "Auca"},
scripts = Latn,
m["aud"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["aug"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["auh"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["aui"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["auj"] = {
otherNames = {"Awjilah", "Awjila"},
scripts = {"Latn", "Arab", "Tfng"},
m["auk"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["aul"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["aum"] = {
otherNames = {"Abewa", "Asu (Nigeria)"},
scripts = Latn,
m["aun"] = {
"Molmo One",
scripts = Latn,
m["auo"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["aup"] = {
otherNames = {"Tirio", "Makaeyam", "Aturu", "Atura", "Adulu"},
scripts = Latn,
m["auq"] = {
otherNames = {"A", "Korur", "Korurnus"}, -- no name attested? lect may be same as 'pdn'
scripts = Latn,
m["aur"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["aut"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["auu"] = {
otherNames = {"Auwje"},
scripts = Latn,
m["auw"] = {
otherNames = {"Awye"},
scripts = Latn,
m["aux"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["auy"] = {
otherNames = {"Awiyaana"},
scripts = Latn,
m["auz"] = {
"Uzbeki Arabic",
otherNames = {"Uzbek Arabic"},
scripts = Arab,
m["avb"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["avd"] = {
otherNames = {"Alviri", "Vidari"},
scripts = {"fa-Arab"},
m["avi"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["avk"] = {
scripts = Latn,
type = "appendix-constructed",
m["avl"] = {
"Eastern Egyptian Bedawi Arabic",
otherNames = {"Bedawi Arabic", "Levantine Bedawi Arabic"},
scripts = Arab,
entry_name = {
from = {u(0x0671), u(0x064B), u(0x064C), u(0x064D), u(0x064E), u(0x064F), u(0x0650), u(0x0651), u(0x0652), u(0x0670), u(0x0640)},
to = {u(0x0627)}},
m["avm"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["avn"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["avo"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["avs"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["avt"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["avu"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["avv"] = {
otherNames = {"Avá", "Canoe"},
scripts = Latn,
m["awa"] = {
scripts = {"Deva", "Kthi", "fa-Arab"},
ancestors = {"pka"},
translit_module = "hi-translit",
m["awb"] = {
"Awa (New Guinea)",
otherNames = {"Awa", "Awa (Papua New Guinea)"},
scripts = Latn,
m["awc"] = {
otherNames = {"Cipu"},
scripts = Latn,
m["awe"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["awg"] = {
otherNames = {"Alngith", "Leningitij", "Mpakwithi"},
scripts = Latn,
m["awh"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["awi"] = {
otherNames = {"Awin"},
scripts = Latn,
m["awk"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["awm"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["awn"] = {
scripts = {"Ethi"},
m["awo"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["awr"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["aws"] = {
"South Awyu",
scripts = Latn,
m["awt"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["awu"] = {
"Central Awyu",
scripts = Latn,
m["awv"] = {
"Jair Awyu",
scripts = Latn,
m["aww"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["awx"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["awy"] = {
"Edera Awyu",
scripts = Latn,
m["axb"] = {
otherNames = {"Abipón", "Callaga", "Kalyaga"},
scripts = Latn,
m["axe"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["axg"] = {
"Mato Grosso Arára",
scripts = Latn,
m["axk"] = {
"Aka (Central Africa)",
otherNames = {"Yaka", "Yaka (Central African Republic)", "Aka", "Beka"}, -- cf 'iyx', 'yaf'
scripts = Latn,
m["axl"] = {
"Lower Southern Aranda",
otherNames = {"Lower Southern Arrernte", "Southern Arrernte", "Southern Aranda"},
scripts = Latn,
m["axm"] = {
"Middle Armenian",
scripts = {"Armn"},
ancestors = {"xcl"},
translit_module = "Armn-translit",
override_translit = true,
entry_name = {
from = {"և", "՞", "՜", "՛", "՟"},
to = {"եւ"}} ,
m["axx"] = {
otherNames = {"Xârâgurè"},
scripts = Latn,
m["aya"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["ayb"] = {
otherNames = {"Ayizo Gbe"},
scripts = Latn,
m["ayd"] = {
otherNames = {"Ayapathu", "Badhu"},
scripts = Latn,
m["aye"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["ayg"] = {
"Nyanga (Togo)",
otherNames = {"Nyanga", "Ginyanga"},
scripts = Latn,
m["ayh"] = {
"Hadrami Arabic",
otherNames = {"Hadhrami Arabic"},
scripts = Arab,
entry_name = {
from = {u(0x0671), u(0x064B), u(0x064C), u(0x064D), u(0x064E), u(0x064F), u(0x0650), u(0x0651), u(0x0652), u(0x0670), u(0x0640)},
to = {u(0x0627)}},
m["ayi"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["ayk"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["ayl"] = {
"Libyan Arabic",
scripts = Arab,
entry_name = {
from = {u(0x0671), u(0x064B), u(0x064C), u(0x064D), u(0x064E), u(0x064F), u(0x0650), u(0x0651), u(0x0652), u(0x0670), u(0x0640)},
to = {u(0x0627)}},
m["ayn"] = {
"Sanaani Arabic",
scripts = Arab,
entry_name = {
from = {u(0x0671), u(0x064B), u(0x064C), u(0x064D), u(0x064E), u(0x064F), u(0x0650), u(0x0651), u(0x0652), u(0x0670), u(0x0640)},
to = {u(0x0627)}},
m["ayo"] = {
otherNames = {"Morotoco", "Moro", "Ayoweo", "Ayoré", "Pyeta Yovai"},
scripts = Latn,
m["ayp"] = {
"North Mesopotamian Arabic",
scripts = Arab,
ancestors = {"acm"},
entry_name = {
from = {u(0x0671), u(0x064B), u(0x064C), u(0x064D), u(0x064E), u(0x064F), u(0x0650), u(0x0651), u(0x0652), u(0x0670), u(0x0640)},
to = {u(0x0627)}},
m["ayq"] = {
otherNames = {"Ayi (New Guinea)", "Ayi (Papua New Guinea)"},
scripts = Latn,
m["ays"] = {
"Sorsogon Ayta",
scripts = Latn,
m["ayt"] = {
"Bataan Ayta",
otherNames = {"Magbukun Ayta", "Mariveleño"},
scripts = Latn,
m["ayu"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["ayy"] = {
"Tayabas Ayta",
scripts = Latn,
m["ayz"] = {
otherNames = {"Mai Brat", "Ajamaru", "Ayamaru"},
scripts = Latn,
m["aza"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["azd"] = {
"Eastern Durango Nahuatl",
scripts = Latn,
ancestors = {"nah"},
m["azg"] = {
"San Pedro Amuzgos Amuzgo",
otherNames = {"Upper Eastern Amuzgo", "Oaxaca Amuzgo"},
scripts = Latn,
m["azm"] = {
"Ipalapa Amuzgo",
otherNames = {"Lower Eastern Amuzgo"},
scripts = Latn,
m["azn"] = {
"Western Durango Nahuatl",
scripts = Latn,
ancestors = {"nah"},
m["azo"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["azt"] = {
"Faire Atta",
scripts = Latn,
m["azz"] = {
"Highland Puebla Nahuatl",
scripts = Latn,
ancestors = {"nah"},
return m