This Test Page is used for Adding New Words

Before Adding the Words, following Test is done to find out that the Word is existing or NOT.



abandon , abandonment , abatement , abdication , abduction , abetment , abettor , abeyance , abhor , abide , abjure , abnormal , abode , abolish , abolition , abortion , abridgment , abrogation , abrupt , abscond , absconder , absent , absolute , absolve , absorption , abstention , abstract , abuse , academic , academy , accede , acceleration , acceptance , acceptor , access , accession , accident , accidental , accommodation , accomplice , accord , accountant , accountant-general , accredit , accreditation , accrue , accrued , accumulate , accumulation , accuracy , accusation , accused , acknowledgement , acquiescence , acquire , acquisition , acquittal , acquittance , act , activate , actual , actuary , actuate , adjudge , administration , administrator , admissible , admission , adoption , adult , adulterant , adultery , advance , advice , advocate , advocate-general , advocate-on-record , advocatrix , affidavit , affiliation , affinity , affirm , affirmation , afforestation , affray , aforethought , afterthought , age , agent , aggregate , aggression , aggrieved , agitation , agnate , agree , alcoholism , alienate , alienation , alienee , alimony , allegation , allegiance , alliance , allocation , allotment , allottee , allowance , allowed , alter , alternative , ambiguity , ambiguous , amelioration , amendment , amenities , ammunition , amnesty , amount , analysis , ancestor , ancestral , ancillary , animosity , animus , announcement , annoy , annoyance , annual , annuity , anomaly , anonymous , answer , antecedent , ante-date , ante-debt , antemortem , anti-corruption , antiquity , apex , apology , apostasy , appeal , appellant , append , appendix , appertaining , applicant , application , appointment , apportion , apportionable , apportionment , appraiser , appreciate , appreciation , apprehend , apprehension , apprentice , apprentice-at-law , approach , approbation , appropriate , appropriation , approver , appurtenance , appurtenant , arbitrary , arbitration , arbitrator , argument , arm , armistice , arrangement , arrest , article , ascendant , ascendants , aspect , assailant , assassination , assemble , assembly , assent , assertion , assessment , assessor , assets , assignee , assignment , association , assume , assumption , assurance , asylum , attachment , attendance , attestation , attornment , auction , auctioneer , auditor , authenticate , authentication , authenticity , author , authorisation , autocracy , autonomy , autopsy , averment , avyavaharika , award , bail , bailable , bailiff , bailment , bailor , balance-sheet , ban , bandhu , bank , bank-note , bankrupt , bankruptcy , bargain , barter , basis , battery , begar , behaviour , benamidar , bench , beneficiary , benefit , bequeath , bequest , betrothal , bias , bigamy , bill , biodiversity , bio-technology , blasphemy , blockade , board , bond , bonus , book-post , borrower , boundary , boycott , breach , break , breeder , breeding , bribe , bribery , broadcast , brochure , broker , brokerage , brothel , budget , building , bureaucracy , business , buyer , bye-law , by-products , cabinet , cadre , candidate , capacity , capital , careless , carriage , carrier , cartoon , case , cashier , caste , catalogue , category , cattle , caution , caveat , ceiling , censure , census , certificate , cess , chairman , challan , challenge , champerty , charge , charge-sheet , charitable , charity , charter , cheating , check-list , cheque , chimney , chitta , citation , citizen , citizenship , claim , claimant , class , classification , clause , clerk , closure , co-accused , co-conspirator , co-defendant , codicil , codification , coercion , co-executors , cognate , cognizable , cognizance , cohabitation , co-heir , coherent , coin , collector , collision , collusion , commencement , comment , commentary , commerce , committee , commodity , communication , community , commutation , co-mortgagor , company , compensation , competent , competition , complainant , complaint , compoundable , compromise , compulsion , computer , concealment , conciliation , concurrent , condition , condonation , conduct , confederation , conference , confess , confidential , confirmation , connivance , consanguinity , conscionable , consensus , consent , consequence , conservative , consideration , consignment , consolidation , conspiracy , constitution , constitutionality , construction , consulate , consultation , consumer , consummation , consumption , contact , contamination , contiguous , contingencies , contingency , contraband , contractor , contribution , contrivance , controller , controversy , convenience , convention , conversion , conveyancing , co-ordination , co-owner , co-parcener , co-plaintiffs , copy , copyright , co-respondent , corporation , corporeal , corroboration , corruption , co-surety , co-tenant , coterminous , counsel , counter , counter-claim , counterfeit , counterfoil , counterpart , countersign , countersignature , court , court-fee , covenant , covenantee , covenantor , creditor , crime , criminal , criminology , cross-appeal , cross-claim , cross-decree , cross-examination , cross-objection , cruelty , culpability , culprit , cultivator , curfew , currency , curriculum , custodian , custody , customer , dacoit , dacoity , damages , danger , darkhast , data , date , dealer , death , debar , debenture , debt , debtor , deceased , deceit , decency , decentralization , decision , declarant , declaration , decree , deductible , deduction , deed , defamation , default , defeasable , defective , defence , defendant , defer , deficiency , deficit , defile , define , definite , definition , de-forestration , defraud , defunct , delegation , delete , deliberate , deliberately , delinquency , delivery , delusion , demand , demarcation , demeanour , democracy , demolish , demolition , demonstration , demurrage , deny , department , dependant , deponent , deportation , deposit , deposition , depositor , depreciation , derogation , derogatory , descendant , descendants , descent , desert , desertion , design , designation , destruction , detain , detection , detention , determination , detriment , devaluation , deviate , deviation , device , devolution , dictum , dignity , director , director-general , directory , disability , disaffection , disagreement , disappear , disarmament , discharge , disclaimer , disclose , discrepancy , discretion , discrimination , discuss , disease , disentitle , disfigure , disharmony , dishonestly , dishonour , dismissal , disobedience , disparity , displeasure , dispute , disqualify , dissolution , distinguish , distress , disturbance , dividend , divorce , dock , document , domicile , donation , donee , donor , dower , dowry , draft , drawee , drawer , drug , drunkenness , duress , dwelling-house , earth , easement , ecology , editor , efficacy , effigy , ejectment , election , electorate , elucidate , e-mail , embezzlement , emblem , emergency , emigrant , emigration , emissary , emission , emolument , employee , employer , employment , enactment , encroachment , encumbrance , endorsement , endorser , endowment , enemy , enforceability , enforcement , engraving , enjoyment , enquiry , entertainment , entrustment , entry , environment , envoy , equality , equity , erosion , error , escheat , espionage , establishment , estate , estoppel , estuary , evacuee , eviction , evidence , examination , examination-in-chief , exception , exchange , exchequer , executant , executive , executory , exemplary , exemption , exercise , exertion , exhibit , existence , expatriation , expectancy , expedient , experiment , expert , explanation , exploitation , explosive , exporter , extension , extinguishment , extort , extract , extradition , extra-judicial , eye-witness , facility , fact , factory , faithfully , farmer , fasli , fast-unto-death , father , fear , felony , ferry , fidelity , fiduciary , file , fine , fire-insurance , firka , fishing , fixtures , flexible , fluctuation , footnote , foreclosure , foreshore , forest , forfeiture , forgery , form , franchise , fraudulently , freedom , freehold , frivolous , frustration , function , fund , furniture , gambling , garnishee , gazette , genocide , genuineness , gift , glossary , goodwill , government , governor , grantee , grant-in-aid , gratification , gratuity , grievance , groundwater , group , guarantee , guarantor , guard , guardian , guardianship , guilt , habendum , half-blood , handicapped , handicraft , harbouring , harm , headnote , hearing , heir-at-law , hereditary , hiba , hiba-ba-bhart-ul-iwaz , hiba-bil-iwaz , hoarding , homicide , honorarium , house-breaking , house-trespass , humidity , humiliation , hunting , hurt , husband , hypothecation , idea , idiocy , idiot , idol , ignorance , illegally , illegitimacy , illiteracy , illness , illusory , illustration , ill-will , image , imitation , immediately , immigrant , immigration , immoral , immutable , impact , impartiality , impeachment , impediment , impersonation , implead , implicate , imposition , impossibility , imprisonment , improvement , imputation , inaccessible , inadequacy , inadmissible , inadvertent , inalienable , inam , inamdar , incapacity , inchoate , incident , incitement , income , incompetency , inconsistency , inconsistent , inconvenience , incorporeal , incredible , incriminate , incriminatory , indefeasible , indemnity , indenture , independence , independent , index , individual , inducement , industry , ineligible , inequality , inevitable , infanticide , inference , inform , informant , information , informer , infrastructure , infringement , ingredient , ingress , inheritance , injunction , injury , injustice , innocence , innuendo , inquiry , insanity , inseparable , insolvency , insolvent , inspector , instigate , instigation , institution , instrument , insufficient , insult , insurance , insurrection , integration , integrity , intelligence , intentional , intentionally , intercourse , interest , interference , intermediary , intermediaters , interpleader , interpol , interpretation , interrogatories , intervention , intestate , intimidation , intoxicating , intoxication , introduction , intrude , invalid , invention , inventory , investigation , irrelevant , irrevocable , irrigation-work , issue , jail , journal , judge , judgeship , judgment , judicature , judiciary , judiciously , jurisdiction , jurisprudence , jurist , juror , jury , justice , justiciable , justifiable , kidnapping , kindred , kleptomania , knowingly , knowledge , label , labour , laches , land , landholding , landlord , landmark , land-revenue , law , law-breaker , lawyer , lay-off , lay-out , lease , legatee , legislation , legislator , legitimacy , lender , lending , lessee , lessor , levy , lexicon , liability , libel , liberty , licence , licensee , licensor , lien , limitation , liquidator , liquor , lithography , litigant , litigation , loan , lock-up , lunacy , lunatic , luxury , machine , magazine , magistrate , mahant , mahr , maintenance , major , majority , malice , maliciously , malignantly , management , manager , mandatory , manifesto , manipulation , manpower , manslaughter , manufacture , manufacturer , mark , marriage , math , matter , maxim , maxims , mayhem , member , merger , migration , minor , misappropriation , misbehaviour , miscarriage , mischief , misconduct , misfeasance , misjoinder , misrepresentation , mistake , modesty , monogamy , monopoly , monument , mortgage , mortgagee , mortgagor , mother , munsif , murder , mushaa , mutiny , navy , necessaries , necessity , negligence , newspaper , nexus , nikkah , nominee , non-bailable , non-feasance , notice , notification , novation , nuisance , oath , obligation , obligatory , obligee , obligor , obnoxious , obscene , obstruction , occupant , occupation , occupier , offender , offer , officer , omission , ordinance , outrage , owner , ownership , package , packaged , painting , pardon , parent , parliament , parol , parole , parties , partition , partner , partnership , passage , patentee , patents , patron , pauper , pawn , pawn-broker , pawnee , payee , payment , pecuniary , penalogy , pension , peoples , periodicals , perjury , permission , person , photographs , picketing , plaint , plaintiff , plans , plant , pleader , pledge , police , policy , polling-booth , pollution , polygamy , possession , posthumous , postponement , power , precedent , pre-censorship , pre-condition , pre-emption , preference , prejudice , premeditation , premium , preparation , prescribed , prescription , president , press , presumption , price , principal , printer , priority , prison , prisoner , privilege , prize , probable , probate , probation , pro-chancellor , product , professor , profit , promise , promoter , promulgation , proof , property , proposal , propositus , proprietor , prorogation , prorogue , prosecution , prosecutor , prosecutrix , prospectus , prostitution , protection , protest , protocol , proviso , provocation , proxy , public , publication , publisher , punishment , purchaser , purpose , qualification , quarantine , quash , quasi , querry , quorum , quota , quotation , rape , rashness , rate , ratification , ratio , reason , re-assessment , rebuttable , receipt , recidivism , recipient , recital , recklessness , reclamation , recollection , recommendation , reconciliation , record , recruitment , rectification , redemption , re-entry , re-examination , reference , referendum , reformation , refugee , refund , refusal , register , registrar , registration , regularisation , regulation , relationship , release , relief , religion , relinquishment , remainder , remand , remarriage , remission , remittance , removal , remuneration , renewable , renewal , renounce , rent , renunciation , repatriate , repeal , repel , report , representation , representative , reprimand , republic , repugnancy , repugnant , rescission , research , residence , resignation , resistance , resolution , respondent , restoration , restraint , restriction , resume , resumption , retention , retrenchment , re-union , revenue , reversion , reversioner , review , revision , revival , revocable , revocation , right , riot , rioting , riparian , road , robbery , royalty , rumour , salary , sale , sanctuary , saptapadi , satisfaction , schedule , school , scribe , script , seal , secret , secretariat , secretary , section , security , sedition , seeds , seizure , self-defence , seller , sentence , servant , service , session , settlement , severable , sex , shareholder , similarity , slander , slavery , smuggling , society , software , solemnisation , solicitor , solvency , son , sophists , sources , sovereignty , speaker , species , specimen , spouse , stamp , state , statement , status , statute , step-father , step-mother , step-son , stipend , stockist , stock-market , stream , stridhan , strike , structure , student , sub-clause , sub-conscious , sub-court , sub-inspector , subject-matter , submission , sub-mortgage , subpoena , sub-registrar , subrogation , subscriber , sub-section , subsidy , sub-standard , sub-tenant , succession , successor , successor-in-title , suicide , suit , sum , summit , summons , superstructure , supremacy , surcharge , surety , surrender , survey-mark , survivorship , suspension , swearing-in-ceremony , symbol , table , talaq , tape-recording , tax , taxation , teacher , technology , telegraph , temple , tenancy , tenant , tenants-in-common , tendency , tender , tenement , tenets , tenure , termination , territory , terrorist , test , thief , timber , title , title-deed , toll , toll-collector , tort , toxicology , trader , tranquility , transactions , transfer , transferee , transferor , transplantation , transport , treason , treatise , treatment , treaty , trespass , trespasser , trial , troposphere , trust , trustee , trustworthiness , turnover , umpire , unesco , unilaterally , unintentionally , union , university , unlawful , untouchability , usage , usury , vakalatnama , valuation , variety , vendor , veracity , verdict , veto , vexatious , vice-chancellor , video-conferencing , video-tape , violence , visa , vis-a-vis , visitor , voidable , voluntarily , vote , voucher , wage , wager , waiting-list , waiver , wakf , wallpaper , warning , warrant , warrantee , warrantor , warranty , waste , weight , wetlands , wharf , whip , widow , wife , wilfully , will , willingly , willingness , windfall , witness , woman , workman , worship , writ , writing , wrong-doer , yardstick , year-book , zamindar , zone , zoo ,


abandoned property, abandonment of right, abatement of nuisance, abatement of suit, abetment by conspiracy, abetment of assault, abetment of suicide, ab initio, abnormality of mind, abortive trial, abridged report, absconding debtor, absconding offender, absconding to avoid summons, absence of injury, absence of motive, absentee landlord, absolute assignment, absolute decree, absolute deed, absolute discretion, absolute duties, absolute estate, absolute interest, absolute law, absolute liability, absolute majority, absolute owner, absolute power, absolute privilege, absolute property, absolute responsibility, absolute restraint, absolute restraint on alienation, absolute right, absolute title, absolve from liability, abstract of accounts, abstract of the instrument, abstract of title, abuse of discretion, abuse of jurisdiction, abuse of power, abusive language, acceleration clause, acceleration, doctrine of, acceptance of illegal gratification, acceptance of offer, acceptance of tender, acceptor of bill of exchange, accessary after the fact, accessary before the fact, accessio cedit principali, accession to office, accessory easements, accessory rights, accident arising in the course of employment, accident arising out of the employment, accomplice witness, accord and satisfaction, according to law, according to rules, account book, account payee only, account, current, accounting year, accounts officer, accrual of right to sue, accrual of rights, accrued income, accrued interest, accrued right, accumulation of income, accumulative legacy, accumulative sentence, accused person, acknowledgement of debt, acknowledgement of legitimacy, doctrine of, acknowledgement of liability, acknowledgement of paternity, acquisition of easements, acquisition, compulsory, act done in good faith, act of conveyance, act of god, act of indemnity, act of law, act of legislature, act of parliament, act of parties, act of state, act or omission, actio personalis moritur cum persona, action, cause of, action, civil, action, remedial, actionable claim, actionable wrong, active member, active partner, active title, actori incumbit onus probandi, actual or express notice, actual possession, actual seizure, actus non facit reum, nisi mens sit rea, actus reus, ad hoc, ad hoc committee, ad hoc rule, ad infinitum, ad interim, ad interim injunction, ad litem, ad valorem, ad valorem duty, additional benefit, additional court, additional evidence, additional sessions judge, additional written statement, ademption of legacies, adequate compensation, adequate consideration, adjective law, adjourn sine die, adjournment motion, adjudicated insolvent, adjudicatory bodies, administration of justice, administration suits, administration, letters of, administrative adjudication, administrative body, administrative decision, administrative discretion, administrative finality, administrative law, administrative machinery, administrative office, administrative power, administrative procedure, administrative reforms commission, administrative remedies, administrative tribunal, admiralty action, admiralty court, admiralty jurisdiction, admissibility of document, admissible evidence, admission committee, admission fee, admission form, admission of guilt, adopted child, adoptive father, adoptive mother, adulterous intercourse, advance tax, advantage, collateral, adverse comment, adverse easement, adverse enjoyment, adverse party, adverse possession, adverse remarks, adverse title, adverse witness, advisory jurisdiction, advisory memo, advocate senior, affairs of state, affiliated college, affirmative covenant, affray and assault, after acquired property, against morality, against public interest, age of consent, age of majority, agency by ratification, agent del credere, agent, sub, aggregate income, aggrieved parties, aggrieved person, agrarian legislations, agrarian reforms, agreed rent, agreement in restraint of legal proceeding, agreement in restraint of marriage, agreement in restraint of trade, agreement of indemnity, agreement to lease, agreement to sell, agreement without consideration, agreement, express, agreement, implied, agricultural chemicals, agricultural debt relief act, agricultural fixture, agricultural holding, agricultural income, agricultural land, agricultural produce, agro-bio diversity, agro-climatic region, aid and abet, aiding escape, air act, air force, air pollution, alibi, plea of, alienation, restraint on, all india judicial service, all india service, allocable surplus, allowance, compassionate, allowance, house rent, allowance, witness, alluvion, alluvium, alphabetical indexing, alphabetical list, alphabetical order, alteration, material, alternative and cumulative remedy, alternative relief, alternative remedy, ambassador, designate, ambiguitas latens, ambiguitas patens, ambiguity, latent, ambiguity, patent, amendment of pleading, amicus curiae, amount of punishment, amount, sanctioned, analytical approach, analytical research, analytical school, ancestral business, ancestral property, ancient document, ancient light, ancient monuments, animals ferae naturae, animo attestendi, animus cancellandi, animus deserendi, animus possidendi, animus revertendi, annual income, annual report, annual return, annual value, anomalous mortgage, ante mortem, ante-adoption agreement, antecedent transactions, antedated cheque, anticipatory bail, anticipatory breach, anti-defection law, antipathy, the principle of, anton piller order, any former statement, apex body, apex court, apparent easement, apparent error, apparent heir, apparent reason, appeal against acquittal, appeal against conviction, appeal by special leave, appealable order, appellate board, appellate decree, appellate jurisdiction, appellate side rules of the high court, applied legal research, applying false denomination to a variety, applying geographical indications, applying trade marks and trade descriptions, appointed day, appointing authority, apportionment by estate, apportionment by time, approbate and reprobate, appropriate act, appropriate authority, appropriate government, appropriation act, appropriation bill, approximate value, arable land, arbitration agreement, arbitration clause, arbitration proceedings, arbitration tribunal, arbitrator’s award, armchair principle, armed force, armed rebellion, armed with deadly weapons, arms and ammunition, arrear of rent, arrears of pension, arrest without proper inquiry, arrest without warrant, articles of association, articles of peace, artificial person, artistic craftsmanship, ascendant, lineal, assault by group of persons, assault of public servant, assembly, constituent, assembly, legislative, assembly, unlawful, assessed waste, assessing authority, assessment of damage, assessment proceedings, assessment year, assets and liabilities, assets, available, assignment deed, assistant sessions judge, associated trade marks, attached to the earth, attachment before judgment, attempt to cause hurt, attempt to commit a crime, attempt to commit murder, attempt to commit offences, attempt to commit rape, attempt to commit robbery, attempt to commit suicide, attempt to steal, attested copy, attesting witness, attorney general of india, auction sale, audi alteram partem, audience, right of, audited accounts, auditor general, aul, doctrine of, authenticated copy, author’s right, authority, implied, authorized agent, authorized capital, authorized officer, authorized person, autonomous body, autre fois acquit, autre fois convict, available surplus, avyavaharika debt, award of compensation, back dated, back dated cheque, backward classes, bad debt, bad title, bail bond, bailable warrant, balance of convenience, balance of power, balance of trade, balance, closing, balance, opening, balanced budget, ballot box, ballot; ballot sheet, bank account, bank deposit, bank deposit rate, bank draft, bank guarantee, bank holiday, bank locker, bank, savings, banker’s books, banker’s general lien, banking business, banking company, banking service, bank-rate of interest, bar association, bar council, bar council of india, bar of jurisdiction, barred by law, barred by limitation, barred debt, barter of goods, basic principles, basic rights, basic wages, bearer cheque, beating in police custody, belated claim, benami title, benami transaction, bench, division, bench, full, bench, single, beneficial enjoyment, beneficial legislation, benefit of doubt, benefit of estate, benefits to arise out of land, best evidence, best evidence rule, best judgment assessment, better title, betting tax, between living persons, beyond a reasonable doubt, bias, rule against, bicameral legislature, biennial election, bilateral contract, bill of exchange, bill of lading, bill, financial, biodiversity convention, biological diversity, biological diversity act, biological diversity convention, bipartite agreement, black mail, black market, black marketing, black money, blameworthy conduct, blank cheque, blank endorsement, blood relation, blood relationship, blood, full, blood, half, blood, uterine, board of examiners, board of management, board of revenue, board of studies, bodily harm, bodily infirmity, bodily injury, bona fide, bona fide claim, bona fide dispute, bona fide error, bona fide holder, bona fide mistake, bona fide purchaser, bona fide transactions, bonded labour, bonus act, bonus share, book adjustment, book value, books of account, booth, polling, borrowing power, borstal school, bottomry bond, brand name, breach of agreement, breach of confidence, breach of contract, breach of covenant, breach of duty, breach of law, breach of privilege, breach of promise, breach of promise of marriage, breach of rule, breach of the peace, breach of trust, breach of trust, criminal, breach of warranty, bribery and corruption, bride burning, brief memorandum, broadcast reproduction right, broken home, budget estimate, budgetary grant, building contract, building lease, building or structure, building regulations, building scheme, burden and onus, burden of proof, burial ground, business, fair, by act of parties, by operation of law, cabinet government, cancellation of bail, capax doli, capita, per, capital and interest, capital and profits, capital asset, capital crime, capital gain, capital loss, capital punishment, capital, working, capitation fee, capitation tax, captive animal, carpet area, carry forward, cart tax, carte blanche, cartographic school, case diary, case history, case law, case law analysis, case method, case sheet, case, summons, case, title long, case, title short, case, warrant, cash – chest, cash balance book, cash, balance, cash, sale, causing death, caste certificate, casting vote, casual employee, casual labourer, casual trader, cattle trespass, causa causae est causa causait, causa causans, causa mortis, causa proxima, cause list, cause of action, cause, reasonable, causing miscarriage, caveat emptor, rule of, caveat venditor, cbi investigation, ceiling area, ceiling price, censor board, censure motion, central act, central administrative tribunal, central bureau of investigation, central government, central list, central pollution control board, ceremonies, religious, certificate of age, certificate of fitness, certificate of posting, certificate of registration, certificate, medical, certified copies, certiorari, write of, cestui que trust, chairman, ex officio, chance of succession, chancellor of university, charge and counter-charge, charged’ affaire, charge for price not paid, charge holder, chargeable expenses, charitable and religious purpose, charitable purpose, charter of united nations, chartered ship, cheating by personation, check and balance, doctrine of, chemical analyzer, cheque dishonoured, cheque, ante date, cheque, bearer, cheque, blank, cheque, crossed, cheque, post-dated, chief accounts officer, chief commissioner, chief court, chief election commissioner, chief electoral officer, chief examination, chief forest officer, chief justice, chief justice of india, chief minister, chief secretary, chief whip, child marriage, child marriage restraint act, child witness, children’s home, chit fund, choreographic work, chose in possession, chose in action, chronological order, cinematograph film, circulating capital, circumstantial evidence, city civil court, city police, civil action, civil and criminal liability, civil and criminal procedure, civil appeals, civil court, civil death, civil disobedience movement, civil law, civil miscellaneous appeal, civil miscellaneous petition, civil nature, civil offence, civil prison, civil proceedings, civil remedy, civil revision petition, civil right, civil rules of practice, civil servants, civil service, civil suit, civil supplies, civil war, civil wrong, claims tribunal, class actions, class gift, class i heirs, class ii heirs, class of persons, clause of defeasance, clause, sub, clearance certificate, clog on equity of redemption, clog on redemption, closing balance, coalition government, coastal belt, coastal regulation zone, coastal zone management authority, code of civil procedure, code of conduct, code of discipline, code of justinian, code, indian penal, code, napoleon, cogent and acceptable, cognizable case, cognizable offence, cognizance, judicial, cognizance, taking, collateral advantage, collateral consanguinity, collateral descendant, collateral heirs, collateral purposes, collateral security, collective bargaining, collective responsibility, college, law, collusive suit, colour of authority, colour of office, colourable imitation, colourable imitation of an invention, colourable legislation, commercial law, commercial mark, commercial tax, commission agent, commissioner for oaths, commissioner of police, commissioner of revenue, commissioner, chief, commissioner, deputy, commissions and omissions, committed for trial, committed to court of sessions, committee, ad hoc, committee, advisory, committing court, committing waste, common consent, common course of business, common employment, doctrine of, common intention, common law, common law jurisdiction, common law rights, common nuisance, common object, common property, communal riot, commutation of sentence, company, insurance, comparative law, compassionate allowance, compassionate pension, compensating damages, compensation for loss, compensatory costs, competence of court, competent authority, competent court, competent government, competent jurisdiction, competent to contract, competent witness, competitive examination, component parts, component parts of the deed, composition and scheme of arrangements, compound interest, compoundable offence, compounding of offences, comprehensive insurance, comptroller and auditor- general of india, compulsory acquisition of land, compulsory adjudication, compulsory license, compulsory liquidation, compulsory retirement, compulsory winding, compulsory winding-up, computer software, concealment of evidence, concealment of material fact, conclusive evidence, conclusive proof, concurrent findings, concurrent list, concurrent powers, condition precedent, condition subsequent, conditional bequest, conditional interest, conditional legacy, conditional legislation, conditional ownership, conditional transfer, condonation of delay, confession and admission, confessional statement, confidential communication, confidential report, confinement, wrongful, conflict of rights, conjugal rights, conscience, freedom of, consensus ad idem, consent, mutual, consequential damages, consideration, take into, consolidated fund, consolidated fund of india, consolidated fund of state, consolidated statement, consolidation of mortgages, doctrine of, consolidation of petitions, conspiracy, criminal, constituent assembly, constituent assembly of india, constituent power, constitution of india, constitutional bench, constitutional functionary, constitutional law, constitutional remedy, constitutional rights, constitutional safeguards, constitutional status, constitutional validity, constructive criminality, constructive estoppel, constructive knowledge, constructive liability, constructive notice, constructive or implied notice, constructive possession, constructive res judicata, constructive trust, consumer court, consumer goods, consumer law, consumer redressal forum, contagious disease, contemporaneous oral agreement, contempt of court, contempt of legislature, contiguous zone, continental shelf, contingency fund, contingent bequest, contingent contract, contingent gift, contingent interest, contingent legacy, contingent liability, contingent remainder, continuing guarantee, continuing offence, continuing partners, continuing trespass, continuity of cruelty, continuous easement, continuous voyage, doctrine of, contract contingent, contract for sale, contract for service, contract of guarantee, contract of indemnity, contract of partnership, contract of suretyship, contract, breach of, contract, executed, contract, executory, contract, express, contract, quasi, contract, severable, contract, voidable, contractual liability, contractual obligation, contractual relationship, contractual right, contrary to law, contrary to public policy, contravention of rules, contribution, doctrine of (mortgage debt), contributory negligence, contributory provident fund, controller general, convention on bio-diversity, convention on climate change, conventional law, conversion of cheque, co-operative bank, co-operative society, coparcenary property, copy of judgment, copy, fair, copyright act, copyright, infringement, copyright, transmission of, corporal punishment, corporate responsibility, corporation tax, corporation, aggregate, corporation, sole, corporeal heritament, corporeal right, corpus delicti, corroborative evidence, corrupt practices, corruptly or maliciously, cost price, cottage industry, council of ministers, council of states, counsel, standing, counter affidavit, counter demand, counter petition, counterfeit coin, counterfeit trade mark, counterfeit, currency note, counterfeiting coins, country of origin, coup d’etat, coupled with an interest, court fee stamp, court guardian, court martial, court of admiralty, court of appeal, court of conscience, court of equity, court of law, court of probate, court of record, court of review, court of revision, court of session, court of small causes, court of wards, court, appellate, court, civil, court, competent, court, criminal, court, district, court, enquiry, court, equity, court, federal, court, high, court, original side, court, principal civil, court, revenue, court, subordinate, court, supreme, covenant for quiet enjoyment, covenant running with land, covenants annexed to the land, covenants, positive, creamy layer class, credit of a witness, criminal abetment, criminal act, criminal action, criminal appeal, criminal breach of contract, criminal breach of trust, criminal case, criminal charge, criminal code, criminal complaint, criminal conspiracy, criminal court, criminal force, criminal intention, criminal intimidation, criminal jurisdiction, criminal justice, criminal law, criminal liability, criminal misappropriation, criminal procedure code, criminal proceedings, criminal remedies, criminal rules of practice, criminal trespass, criminal trial, crop insurance, cross examination, cross suit, culpable act, culpable homicide, culpable homicide amounting to murder, culpable homicide not amounting to murder, culpable rashness, cultivable land, cultivating tenant, cumulative effect, cumulative evidence, cumulative punishment, current account, current month, current rate of interest, customary easement, customary law, customary marriage, customary right, customary rites and ceremonies, customs duty, cy pres, doctrine of, cyber crimes, cyclone insurance, daily newspaper, damage, feasant, damage, liquidated, damages, exemplary, damages, general, damages, pecuniary, damages, statutory, damages, unliquidated, damnum sine injuria, dangerous disease, dangerous driving, dangerous weapon, dasabanda inam, date of issue, date, due, dattaka putra, days of grace, de facto, de facto guardian, de facto manager, de facto recognition, de jure, de minimis non curat lex, de novo, de son tort, dead letter, deadly weapons, dearness allowance, death certificate, death duty, death penalty, death tax, deathbed gift, death-cum-retirement gratuity, debenture, convertible, debenture, irredeemable, debenture, redeemable, debenture, registered, debenture, simple, debt relief act, debt, antecedent, debt, bad, deceased person, deceptively similar, deceptively similar marks, decided cases, decision making ability, declaration, dying, declaration, oath, declaratory decree, declaratory judgment, declaratory suit, decree absolute, decree holder, decree nisi, decree of nullity, decree, absolute, decree, appellate, decree, final, decree, preliminary, deduction of wages, deed of conveyance, deed of exchange, deed of lease, deed of mortgage, deed of partnership, deed of sale, deed of settlement, deemed gifts, deemed owner, deemed university, defamation act, 1952, defect in title, defect, latent, defect, patent, defective title, defence of body, defence of duress, defence of property, defence witnesses, deferred debt, deferred dower, deferred payment, deferred sentence, definite conclusion, defray expenses, defunct company, degree of prohibited relationship, del credere, del credere agent, delegate potestas non potest delegari, delivery of possession, demand draft, demand notice, demi official letter, demonstrative legacy, departmental action, departmental charges, departmental enquiry, departmental proceedings, dependent state, deposit of title deeds, depreciation allowance, dereliction of duty, derogatory remarks, descendant, lineal, detention, preventive, determination of lease, deterrent punishment, die intestate, digital copyrights, digital signature, diminished responsibility, diminishing marginal utility, law of, diplomatic privileges, direct action, direct and proximate cause, direct and proximate nexus, direct cause, direct enquiry, direct evidence, direct recruitment, direct tax, directive principles of state policy, discharge from service, discharge of duty, discharge of obligation, discharge of the accused, disciplinary action, disciplinary proceedings, discovery of fact, discretion of court, discretion, judicial, discretionary power, discretionary relief, discrimination against women, disgraceful conduct, dishonest intention, dishonest reception, dishonestly misappropriation, dishonestly receiving stolen property, dishonour of cheque, dishonoured by non-payment, dismissal and removal, dismissal, or removal, or reduction in rank, dissenting judgment, dissolution of marriage, dissolution of partnership, distinct matter, distraint warrant, distress damage feasant, distribution of power, district court, district judge, district magistrate, disturb the public tranquility, disturbances, internal, disturbed area, disturbing the public peace, divine displeasure, divine law, division bench, division of labour, divorce, by mutual consent, doctrine of acceleration, doctrine of basic structure, doctrine of colourable legislation, doctrine of conventional subrogation, doctrine of cy pres, doctrine of eclipse, doctrine of election, doctrine of estoppel, doctrine of feeding the grant, doctrine of harmonious construction, doctrine of holding out, doctrine of lis pendens, doctrine of part-performance, doctrine of pith and substance, doctrine of pleasure, doctrine of priority, doctrine of representation, doctrine of res judicata, doctrine of separation of powers, doctrine of severability, doctrine of substituted security, doctrine of vicarious liability, documentary evidence, dog tracking, doli incapax, domain name, domestic animals, domestic enquiry, domestic jurisdiction, domestic tribunal, domicile by choice, domicile by origin, domicile of choice, dominant heritage, dominant owner, dominion over property, donatio mortis causa, dormant partner, double criminality, rule of, double jeopardy, double nationality, double taxation, double veto, doubt, benefit of, dower, deferred, dower, prompt, dowry death, draft bill, dual judicial system, dualistic theory, due consideration, due date, due process of law, duly authorised person, duly constituted, duly stamped, duly sworn, dumb witness, dummy candidate, duty free, dying declaration, dying intestate, earnest money, earth summit, easement of necessity, easement, negative, ecological balance, ecologically fragile areas, economic equality, economic justice, economic rights, economic sanctions, eco system, educational endowment, educational institution, effluent discharge, effluent standard, effluent treatment plant (etp), efflux of time, egress and ingress, ejusdem generic, rule of, election commission, election petition, election tribunal, election, doctrine of, electoral right, electoral roll, electronic form, electronic records, emergency, proclamation of, eminent domain, employees’ family pension scheme, employees’ insurance court, employees’ provident fund act, employees’ provident fund scheme, employees’ state insurance, employees’ state insurance corporation, en bloc, en ventre sa mere, enabling act, enacted constitution, endangered species, endangering life, endorsement in blank, endowment fund, ends of justice, enforcement authority, enfranchised inam, english mortgage, enquiry officer, entertainment tax, entry tax, environment de-gradation, environment impact assessment, environment protection, environment protection fund, environmental impact, environmental impact assessment, environmental legislations, environmental pollutant, environmental pollution, environmental tribunal, eo nomine, equal opportunity, equal pay, equal pay for equal work, doctrine of, equal protection of law, equality before the law, equality of opportunity, equality of opportunity for all citizens, equitable charge, equitable estoppel, equitable grounds, equitable interest, equitable mortgage, equity of redemption, error of fact, error of judgment, error of jurisdiction, error of law, errors and omissions, essence of the contract, essential commodities, essentially derived variety, estate duty, estate land act, estate, absolute, estate, life, estate, limited, estates in futuro, estates in praesenti, estoppel against statute, estoppel by acquiescence, estoppel by contract, estoppel by deed, estoppel by election, estoppel by laches, estoppel by record, estoppel in pais, estoppel, promissory, evacuee property, evasion of tax, evasive denial, evidence act, evidence, circumstantial, evidence, documentary, evidence, extrinsic, evidence, hearsay, evidence, intrinsic, evidence, material, evidence, negative, evidence, oral, evidence, positive, evidence, primary, evidence, relevant, evidence, rule of, evidence, secondary, ex dolo malo non oritur actio, ex gratia payment, ex nudo pacto non oritur actio, ex officio, ex officio member, ex pacto illicito non oritur action, ex parte, ex parte decree, ex parte injunction, ex post facto agency, ex post facto law, ex posto facto, examination by court, examination, cross, examination, re-, examining court, excise duties, exclusive economic zone, exclusive jurisdiction, exclusive marketing rights, exclusive powers, exclusive right, excommunication from caste, exculpatory statement, executio est finis et fructus legis, execution petition, execution proceedings, execution sale, executive action, executive power, executor de son tort, executory contract, exemplary damage, exemplary manner, exhaustion of remedies, existing facts, existing law, ex-parte decree, expectancy of succession, expectant heir, expectation of death, expert opinion, expert witness, expert, finger print, expert, handwriting, explosive act, explosive substance, export and import, export duty, express agreement, express authority, express condition, express consent, express contract, express revocation, express trust, expression of thought, extinguishment of right, extra judicial, extraneous evidence admissible, extraordinary expenses, extraordinary gazette, extraordinary general meeting, extraordinary original civil jurisdiction, extraordinary powers, extra-territorial operation, fabricated evidence, fabricating false evidence, fabrication of account, face value, fact in issue, facts in issue, factum valet, doctrine of, failure of consideration, fair comment, fair market value, fair price, fair rent, fair report, fair trial, fait accompli, faith, good, fake currency notes, false charge, false document, false entry, false evidence, false evidence, giving, false geographical indication, false imprisonment, false personation, false plea, false property mark, false statement, false trade description, false trade marks, family allowance, family arrangement, family benefit fund, family court, family custom, family debt, family law, family pedigree, family pension, family pension fund, family settlement, famine allowance, fancy price, farm house, farmers’ variety, fatal injury, father, step, fee, court, feeding the grant estoppel doctrine, feudal system, fiat justitia, fiat justitia ruat caelum, fiction of law, fictitious name, fidelity insurance, fiduciary capacity, fiduciary character, fiduciary contract, fiduciary relationship, field measurement book, field report, field sketch, file register, film artist, final act, final decision, final decree, final judgment, final order, finance act, finance commission, finance committee, financial emergency, financial institution, financial obligation, financial powers, financial propriety, financial sanction, financial statement, financial year, finder of goods, fine arts, finger mark, finger print, first appeal, first copy, first crop, first information report (fir), first information statement, first offender, first owner, fiscal policy, fiscal year, fitness certificate, fitness/eligibility of declarant, five freedoms of the air, fixed assets, fixed capital, fixed term, flag, national, flexible constitution, floating charge, floor of the house, flora and fauna, food adulteration, food crops, force of law, force, defence, force, police, forced labour, forceful compulsion, forcible entry, foreign capital, foreign country, foreign court, foreign currency, foreign exchange, foreign judgment, foreign jurisdiction, foreign law, foreign territory, foreign vessel, forensic medicine, forest (conservation) act, 1980, forest dweller, forest offences, forest officer, forest principle, forfeiture of goods, forfeiture of lease, forged mark sheet, forged signature, formal warning, foster child, foster father, foster mother, framing of issues, fraudulent intention, fraudulent preference, fraudulent transfer, free consent, free fight, freedom of movement, freedom of press, freedom of religion, freedom of residence, freedom of speech and expression, freedom of trade, freedom of trade and commerce, friendly suit, frivolous grounds, frustration of contract, full bench, full bench formula on bonus, full blood, functus officio, fund, consolidated, fund, contingency, fund, provident, fundamental duties, fundamental law, fundamental rights, fundamental rules, fundamental structure, funeral expenses, funeral rites, future estate, future maintenance, future ownership, gain, wrongful, gains of learning, gang rape, garden land, gazette notification, gazette of india, gazette, extraordinary, gazetted holiday, gazetted officer, gazetted post, general agreement of trade and tariff (gatt), general assembly, general clause, general clauses act, general damage, general election, general hospital, general lien, general power of attorney, general, advocate, generalia specialibus non derogant, generalia verba sunt generaliter intelligenda, geographical indications, geographical indications registry, geographical origin, gestation period, gift deed, gift inter vivos, gift made in contemplation of death, gift mortis causa, gift tax, giving false evidence, global environment facility, global tender, global warming, glove money, golden opportunity, golden rule, good behaviour, good character, good defence, good faith, goods vehicle, government department, government land, government of india, government order, government pleader, government servant, government service, government stamps, government subsidy, government, in exile, government, self, grammatical interpretation, gratification, illegal, gratuitous bailment, grave and sudden provocation, gravity of the offence, green belt, green bench, green cover, green revolution, grievous bodily injuries, grievous hurt, gross misconduct, gross negligence, gross; total, grounds of appeal, guarantee, continuing, guarantee, unlimited, guard of honour, guardian ad litem, guardian and wards act, guardian, de facto, guardian, de jure, guardian, natural, guardianship certificate, guilty conscience, guilty mind, habeas corpus, writ of, habitual offender, habitual defaulter, habitually dealing in stolen property, hanafi law, hand writing, hanging, by death, harassment, sexual, harbouring offenders, hard and fast rule, harmful substance, harmonious construction, have and hold, hazardous chemicals, hazardous industries, hazardous substances, hazardous waste, hazardous waste rules, 1989, head of department, hearsay evidence, heinous offence, heir apparent, heir, expectant, heirs, collateral, hereditary office, hereditary trustee, heritage, dominant, heritage, servient, high and low watermark, high court, high seas, high tide line, high treason, high water mark, higher education, highly probable, hindu law, hindu marriage act, 1955, hindu succession act, 1956, hindu undivided family, hire purchase agreement, holder in due course, holding company, holding out, doctrine of, homicide, manslaughter, homonymous geographical indications, honesty and fair play, horticulture produce, hostile witness, hot pursuit, hours of work, house arrest, house of commons, house of lords, house of the people, house property, house trespass, lurking, house-breaking by night, household furniture, human rights commission, hurt, grievous, hypothecation bond, identification of accused, identification parade, identity card, ignorance of law, ignorance of law is no excuse, illegal co-habitation, illegal condition, illegal means, illegally acquired property, illegitimate children, illegitimate son, illicit co-habitation, illicit intercourse, imitation, theory of, immediate delivery, immediate descendant, immediate possession, imminent danger, immoral conduct, immoral purposes, immoral traffic act, immovable property, impartible estate, impeach, impeachment, impeaching the credit of a witness, imperfect obligations, imperfect right, imperfect title, implied agreement, implied condition, implied confession, implied consent, implied contract, implied easement, implied grant, implied licence, implied powers, implied ratification, implied revocation, implied warranty, import duty, impossibility of performance, impossible contract, in accordance with law, in camera, in cash or kind, in custodia legis, in due course, in fact, in forma pauperis, in limine, in loco parentis, in pari causa, in pari delicto, in pari materia (in pari causa), in personam, in praesenti, in reference to the common intention, in rem, in rem, judgment, in terrorem, in the course of employment, in the ordinary course of nature, in the presence of, in the public interest, in toto, in vogue, inadmissible evidence, inadmissible statements, incentive theory, inchoate instrument, incidental expenses, incised injuries, income tax, income tax assessment year, income tax clearance certificate, income tax exemption, income, net, income, per capita, inconclusive proof, incorporated company, incorporeal property, incorporeal right, incriminating facts, incriminating statement, inculpatory facts, indecent assault, independence of judiciary, independent contract, independent evidence, index card, indian administrative service examination, indian audit and accounts service, indian coin, indian divorce act, 1869, indian easements act, 1882, indian economy, indian emigration act, indian forest service, indian independence act, indian penal code, indian police service, indian registration act, indian standard time, indian succession act, 1925, indigenous medicines, indigent person, indirect tax, indoor management, doctrine of, industrial company, industrial disputes, industrial disputes act, 1947, industrial tribunal, industry, cottage, infancy protection, infectious disease, inferiority complex, inflexible constitution, informa pauperis, informal education, infringed labels, infringement of plant varieties, infringing copy, ingress and egress, inherent power, initiation of prosecution, injunction pendente lite, injunction, interim, injunction, mandatory, injunction, perpetual, injunction, prohibitory, injuria sine damno, injury causing death, innocent misrepresentation, innocent purchaser, innuendo, rule of, inquest report, insane delusion, insane person, insanity brought on by drunkenness, insanity, legal, insanity, medical, insecticides act, 1968, insolvency proceedings, instant death, instrument of partition, instrument, negotiable, instruments, ambiguous, insult to court, insurance agent, insurance company, insurance contract, insurance policy, insurance, fire, insurance, life, intangible property, integrity right, intellectual capacity, intellectual property, intellectual property appellate board, intellectual property rights- ipr, intended use, intent to defraud, inter partes, inter se, inter state commerce, inter vivos, inter-caste marriage, interest, compound, interest, contingent, interest, simple, interest, vested, interim injunction, interim order, interim relief, interlocutory application, interlocutory order, international court of justice, international law, international law. private, interpretation clause, intervening act, intestate succession, intra vires, intra vires torts, intrinsic evidence, inventive step, ipso facto, irresistible force, irresistible impulse, irretrievable breakdown of marriage, irrevocable transfer, jama bandhi, jeopardy, double, joinder of charges, joinder of parties, joint and several, joint and several liability, joint committee, joint criminal liability, joint family, joint family property, joint grant, joint liability, joint ownership, joint possession, joint tenancy, joint tort-feasors, joint trial, jointly and severally, judex est lex loquens, judge, sub, judge, supreme court, judge’s discretion, judge-made law, judgment creditor, judgment in personam, judgment in rem, judgment inter partes, judgment, attachment before, judgment debt, judgment debtor, judicial act, judicial activism, judicial admission, judicial approach, judicial cognizance, judicial control, judicial custody, judicial discretion, judicial notice, judicial officer, judicial opinion, judicial person, judicial power, judicial reforms, judicial remedy, judicial service, judicis est jus dicere, non dare, junior advocate, junior professor, jura in personam, jura in rem, jura publica, jura regia, jura rerum, jural relationship, jure gentium, jurisdiction of court, jurisdiction, admiralty, jurisdiction, ancillary, jurisdiction, appellate, jurisdiction, civil, jurisdiction, concurrent, jurisdiction, territorial, jurisdictional fact, jurisprudence, comparative, jus ad rem, jus civile, jus in rem, jus necessitates, jus tertii, just and equitable, just and fair, just cause, just compensation, just right, justa causa, justice according to law, justice, equity and good conscience, justice, natural, justice, system of, juvenile court, juvenile delinquency, juvenile delinquent, juvenile justice act, kartha, hindu joint family, kidnapping and abduction, kidnapping from lawful guardianship, kindred or consanguinity, knowingly and willfully, kyoto conference, labour contract, labour court, labour dispute, labour union, labour, forced, lack of jurisdiction, land acquisition act, land acquisition act, 1894, land board, land ceiling, land commissioner, land dispute, land holder, land owner, land record, land reforms, land tax, land, waste, landlord and tenant, language, official, last opportunity, rule, latent advantage, latent ambiguity, latent defect, law and justice, law and order, law college, law commission, law in force, law journal, law of evidence, law of passing off, law of property, law of torts, law officer, law report, law, case, law, central, law, court of, law, customary, law, emergency, law, equality before, law, rule of, lawful agreement, lawful custody, lawful means, leading case, leading counsel, leading question, league of nations, lease deed, leasehold property, leave of the court, with, leave, earned, legal advisor, legal aid, legal character, legal cruelty, legal duty, legal fiction, legal person, legal proceedings, legal remedy, legal right, legal studies, legislation, delegated (subordinate), legislative assembly, legislative control, legislative council, legislative function, legislative intent, legislative power, legitimate child, legitimate purpose, legitimate son, letter of credit, letter of patent, lex loci, lex of loci, liability, absolute, liability, civil, liability, criminal, liability, no fault, liability, strict, liability, vicarious, liaison officer, libel and slander, licence coupled with interest, lien, equitable, lien, vendor’s, life convict, life estate, life expectancy, life imprisonment, life interest, limine, in, limitation period, limited company, limited estate, limited interest, limited owner, limited ownership, lineal ascendant, lineal descendant, liquidated damage, lis pendens, list, concurrent, list, state, lite pendente, literary work, living wage, local administration, local authority, local body, local government, local law, lock out, locus standi, lok sabha, low tide line, low watermark, lower court, lunatic asylum, lurking house-trespass by night, magistrate, chief judicial, magistrate, chief metropolitan, magistrate, first class, magistrate, honorary, magistrate, judicial, mahommedan law, maintenance & chemperty, maintenance of law and order, maintenance of public order, maintenance pendente lite, making a false document, mala fides, mala in se, mala prohibita, malicious arrest, malicious prosecution, managing director, managing trustee, mandamus, writ of, mandatory injunction, mansuetae naturae, marginal notes, marine pollution, maritime belt, maritime jurisdiction, maritime law, market price, market value, marriage ceremony, marriage certificate, marriage, child, marriage, registrar, marriage, suyamariyathai, marshalling, doctrine of, martial court, mass media, master and servant, material alteration, material defect, material evidence, material question, maternity benefit act, maternity leave, matrimonial jurisdiction, matters of state, maturity date, maximum wages, may presume, mediate possession, medical examination, medical negligence, medical officer, medical opinion, medico-legal report, member of legislative assembly, member of legislative council, member of lok sabha, member of parliament, member of rajya sabha, members of legislature, members of unlawful assembly, memorandum of appeal, memorandum of association, memorial lecture, mens rea, mesne profits, mental condition, mental defect, mental disorder, mental elements in crime, mental to society, mercantile agent, mercantile law, merchant shipping act, mercy petition, mere right to sue, mesne mortgages, mesne profits, metes and bounds (by), metropolitan magistrate, military law, mind, sound, mind, unsound, minimum price, minimum qualification, minimum wage, ministry of environment and forests, minor offence, minority community, minority educational institution, minority institution, minority representation, minority status, minority, linguistic, mintenance, permanent, minutes of a meeting, minutes of proceedings, minutes of resolutions, miscellaneous petition, mischief rule, misconception of fact, misjoinder of parties, misrepresentation, fraudulent, mistake of fact, mistake of law, mitigating factors, mobile court, modus operandi, mohammedan law, monarchy, constitutional, money bill, money decree, money lender, money suit, monistic sovereignty, monistic theory, moot court, moot point, moral delinquency, moral turpitude, mortality rate, mortgage by conditional sale, mortgage by deposit of title deeds, mortgage debt, mortgage deed, mortgage holder, mortgage intermediate, mortgage security, mortgage, anomalous, mortgage, debenture, mortgage, english, mortgage, instrument of, mortgage, registered, mortgage, simple, mortgage, successive, mortgage, usufructuary, mortgagee, prior, mother, adoptive, mother, step, motion of no-confidence, movable property, multifactor theory of crime, multiplicity of suits, municipal commissioner, municipal law, municipal solid waste, musical work, mutatis mutandis, muthavalli, mutawalli, mutual agreement, mutual consent, narcotic drug, national ambient air quality standards, national anthem, national coastal management authority, national environment appellate authority act, 1997, national environment engineering laboratory, national environment tribunal act, 1998, national flag, national symbol, nationalised bank, natural easements, natural guardian, natural justice, natural person, nature, civil, necessary easement, necessary party, necessities, legal, negative covenant, negative easement, negative prescription, neglect, willful, negligence, gross, negligent act, negotiable instrument, negotiable instruments act, nemo dat quid non habet, nemo est supra leges, nervous shock, net wealth, next friend, no confidence motion, no encumbrance certificate, no fault theory, noise pollution, nolle prosequi, nominal cost, non-alignment movement, non-bailable offence, non-bailable warrant, non-cognizable offence, non-compos mentis, non-co-operation movement, non-est factum, non-gazetted officer, non-jointer of parties, non-obstante clause, notary public, note file, note of dissent, note, promissory, notice of dishonour, notice of protest, notice of withdrawal, notice to quit, notice, actual, notice, constructive, notified commodity, noting and protest, notorious wrong-doer, novus actus interveniens, nude contract, nudum pactum, nugatory contracts, nuisance, private, nuisance, public, null and void, oath of office, oath of secrecy, obiter dictum, object, common, objectivity test, obligation to assist and co-operate, obscene acts and songs, obstructed heritage, occupancy right, occupational diseases, occupational hazard, occupied field, doctrine of, octroi duty, offence not compoundable, offences affecting public tranquility, offences affecting the human body, offences against public justice, offences against religion, offences against the state, offences against women, offender, habitual, offender, juvenile, office of profit, official act, official assignee, official capacity, official confidence, official receiver, officiating post, once a mortgage always a mortgage, onerous gift, onus of proof, onus probandi, open cheque, open court, open prison system, opening session, operation of law, opinion of experts, opinion poll, opportunity of being heard, opportunity of employment, option of puberty, option, right of, oral admissions, oral dying declaration, oral evidence, oral will, order, conditional, order, original, order, standing, ordinary course of nature, original jurisdiction, original side rules, ostensible owner, ostensible tenant, ouster of jurisdiction, outraging modesty, outraging the religious feelings, over draft, overt act, owner, absolute, ownership right in films, ozone depleting substance, ozone layers, pacta sunt servanda, pactum, nudum, paranoid schizophrenia, pardanashin ladies, parental material, parentis, in loco, pari passu, parliamentary committee, parliamentary control, parliamentary form of government, parliamentary questions, parliamentary system, parliamentary, privilege, parner, nominal, part heard, part performance, part performance, doctrine of, partial disablement, partial foreclosure, partial redemption, partial restraint, particeps criminis, parties to the suit, parties, necessary, partition deed, partition, partial, partition, reopening of, partner, active, partner, dormant, partnership at will, partnership by holding out, partnership deed, partnership firm, partnership, dissolution of, party, third, passing off, past consideration, patent ambiguity, patent defect, patent error, patent office, patent right, patentable invention, patented article, patents act, patents of addition, paternity of child, paternity right, pauper suit, payable on demand, payment of gratuity act, payment of wages act, peace, breach of, peaceably and openly enjoy, pecuniary jurisdiction, pedigree table, penal code, penal interest, penal law, penalty of death, pendency of civil suit, pendente lite, pension commutation, pension, compassionate, pension, contribution, pensionary benefits, per capita, per stirpes, perfect right, performance, specific, performer’s rights, perils of the sea, period of gestation, period of limitation, permanent alimony, permanent appointment, permanent easements, permanent injunction, permanent lease, permissive right, perpetual injunction, perpetual lease, perpetuity, rule against, person, aggrieved, personal acknowledgement, personal cultivation, personal inam, personal law, personal right, personation at examination, personation, false, petty cases, philosophical school, physical possession, pious obligation, doctrine of, piracy jure gentium, pith and marrow of the invention, taking, pith and substance, place of birth, place of occurrence, place of trial, place of worship, planning commission, plant breeders, plant breeders’ rights, plant varieties registry, plea of alibi, plea of estoppel, plea of guilty, plea of insanity, pleading guilty, pleasure, doctrine of, pluralistic sovereignty, point of law, police commissioner, police custody, police diary, police officer, police witness, police, force, policy making, policy of the state, policy, life, political detenu, political obligation, political party, political rights, pollution control board, pollution, noise, pollution, water, positive convenant, positive law, positive or affirmative easement, positive prescription, possession in law, possession, actual, possession, delivery of, possession, immediate, possessory mortgage, post dated cheque, post mark, post mortem examination, post mortem report, post office, power of alienation, power of attorney agent, powers, administrative, powers, concurrent, powers, inherent, pracautionary principle, practitioner, legal, pre-arranged plan, precedent, binding force of, pre-emption clause, pre-emption suit, preference shares, preferential right, preliminary decree, preliminary examination, prepaid purchase money, prerogative writs, prescribed authority, prescriptive easement, present right, presidential form of government, presiding judge, presumption as to dowry death, presumption of death, presumption of fact, presumption of law, presumption of mens rea, presumptions as to documents, prevention of corruption act, preventive detention, preventive detention act, preventive relief, preventive theory, price control, prima facie case, prima facie evidence, primary evidence, primogeniture, rule of, principal and agent, principal and surety, principal debtor, principal money, principal offender, principle of fair dealing, principle of sympathy and antipathy, prior mortgage, prior mortgagee, priority, doctrine of, prison labour, private company, private defence, private easement, private international law, private limited company, private nuisance, private road, private sector, privilege, absolute, privilege, qualified, privilege, without profit, privileged communications, privileges of judges, privity of contract, privity of estate, prize court, pro forma, pro rata, pro rata basis, probable consequence, probate jurisdiction, probation of good conduct, probation officer, procedural ultra vires, procedure established by law, process of law, process patent, proclaimed offender, proclamation of emergency, proclamation of sale, producers of phonograms, product patent, proesumptiones hominis, profession tax, professional behaviour, professional integrity, professional misconduct, profit a prendre, profit earned, prohibited degrees of relationship, prohibition of tacking, prohibition, writ of, promise, breach of, promise, reciprocal, promissory estoppel, promissory note, promoting enmity, pronouncement of talaq, proof aliunde, proof of alibi, proof, conclusive, propagation of ideas, right to, property mark, property right, property, absolute, property, common, property, corporeal, property, immovable, property, incorporeal, property, movable, property, private, property, transfer of, proportional representation, prospective overruling, doctrine of, protectable variety, protected forest, protection against arrest, protective discrimination, proved, beyond reasonable doubt, provident fund, provincial insolvency act, proviso clause, provocation, grave and sudden, proximate cause, proximity rule, public accounts, public auction, public authority, public company, public corporation, public document, public endowment, public holiday, public interest litigation, public liability insurance act, 1991, public limited company, public notice, public nuisance, public place, public policy, public prosecutor, public purpose, public records, public right of way, public road, public safety, public servant, public service commission, public service commission, state, public trust, public trust, doctrine of, puisne mortgage, puisne mortgagee, punishment, capital, punitive action, purchase money, purchaser for value without consideration, qualified ownership, qualified privilege, qualifying date, quantum meruit, quantum of compensation, quantum of damage, quantum of punishment, quarterly journal, quasi contract, quasi easement, quasi judicial, quasi judicial authority, question hour, question of fact, question of law, qui facit per alium facit per se, qui priorest tempore potiorest jure, quia timet action, quick unborn child, quick with child, quid pro quo, quiet enjoyment, racial discrimination, radd, doctrine of, railway protection force act, rajya sabha, rarest of the rare, rash and negligent act, rash driving, rashness, culpable, rate of interest, rateable distribution, rateable value, ratio decidenti, raw material, real owner, reason to believe, reasonable and probable cause, reasonable care, reasonable doubt, reasonable ground, reasonable ground for believing, reasonable man, reasonable restrictions, reasonable, fair and just, rebus sic stantibus, rebuttable presumption, recall, right of, receiver of stolen property, recission of contract, reckless driving, recognised language, re-conditioned goods, reconstruction and amalgamation, record officer, records, public, recovery memo, re-cross examination, rectification deed, recycled plastic, re-cycled plastic manufacture and usage, redeemable debentures, redemption of mortgage, redemption, equity of, redemption, partial, reduction in rank, re-entry, right of, reformative theory of punishment, reformative, school, refractory donee, refreshing memory, register of copyright, register of marriages, register of patents, registered document, registered firm, registered owner, registered proprietor, registered trademark, registrable variety, registration fee, rejected evidence, release deed, released on bail, relevant date, relevant question, reliable evidence, religious ceremonies, religious endowment, religious freedom, religious institution, relinquishment of inam, remand house, remedy, constitutional, remote cause, remote damage, removal from service, renouncement of the world, rent tribunal, representation, doctrine of, representative democracy, representative suit, republic, democratic, repugnancy, doctrine of, reputed ownership, res communes, res extra commercium, res gestae, res ipsa loquitur, res judicata, res judicata, constructive, res nullius, res subjudice, rescission of contract, reserve capital, reserve forest, residuary legatee, residuary powers, respondeat superior, responsibility, collective, responsibility, joint, restitution of conjugal right, restoration of stolen property, restraint of trade, restraint, wrongful, resumable gifts, retirement benefits, retiring partner, retracted confession, retributive theory of punishment, retrospective application, returning officer, revenue court, reversionary interest, revision against acquittal, revision petition, right in personam, right in rem, right of pre-emption, right of private defence, right of private defence of body, right of redemption, right of re-entry, right of way, right to assemble peaceably, right to hearing, right to information, right to know, right to livelihood, right to property, right to sue, right to wholesome environment, right, accessory, right, constitutional, right, contingent, right, perfect, right, vested, rights in re aliena, rights in repropria, rights of breeder, rigor mortis, rigorous imprisonment, rio summit, riparian rights, rites, religious, rolled up plea, rule against inalienability, rule against perpetuity, rule of construction, rule of law, rule of prudence, ryotwari system, salaries and allowances, sale by sample, sale of goods act, sale of immovable property, sale price, sale, conditional, sales tax appeal, sales tax law, sanctioning authority, sapinda relationship, saving clause, savings bank, scandalous or obscene, schedule property, scheduled and tribal areas, scheduled caste/tribe, scheduled castes, scheduled time, scheduled tribes, scheme of the act, scienter action, scienti non fit injuria, search and seizure, search warrant, search without warrant, secondary evidence, section, sub, securities, convertible, security council, security deposit, security of india, security, collateral, select committee, self acquired property, self contained, self contained code, self finance, self finance college, self government, self incrimination, seller’s lien, semi-conductor integrated circuits, senate, university, senior advocate, senior citizen, senior counsel, senior grade, sentence of death, sentence, concurrent, separate trials, separation of powers, separation of powers, doctrine of, separation, judicial, servant, government, service by post, service inam, service of process, service of summons, servient heritage, servient tenement, session, current, sessions court, sessions judge, set aside, set at liberty, set off, settlement deed, severability, doctrine of, severally and jointly, sex, discrimination of, sexual harassment, share –capital, shares, deferred, shares, preference, shariat act, shifting interest, short title, show cause notice, sick industry, signature, specimen, similar description, similar intention, simple homicide, simple imprisonment, simple mortgage, simultaneous death, sine die, sine qua non, single bench, single blow, single citizenship, sit-down strike, sleeping partner, small cause court, small savings fund, social contract theory, social control, social justice, social security, social welfare, solid waste, solitary confinement, solvency certificate, son, adopted, son, born of void marriage, son, born of voidable marriage, soon before death, sound mind, sound track, source of light, sources of the law, sovereignty and integrity, speaker of legislative assembly, speaking orders, special act, special address, special bench, special court, special diary, special law, special leave petition (slp), special leave to appeal, special marriage ace, 1954, specific performance, specific performance, doctrine of, specific relief act, specific state of mind, specified class, speedy trial, spes successionis, sridhana property, stamp duty, stamp papers, stamp vendor, stamp, judicial, stamp, revenue, standard of living, standard rate, standing committee, standing counsel, standing timber, stare decisis, state act, state amendment, state board, state government, state legislature, state list, state of any mind or body, state prisoner, state servitude, state succession, stateless society, statement of account, statement, written, station, police, status quo, statute of frauds, statutory authority, statutory body, statutory powers, statutory provisions, statutory right, stay order, stealing one’s own property, stock account, stock exchange, stock in trade, stock witness, stockholm conference, stolen property, stoppage in transit, strict construction, strict liability, strike, illegal, structure, basic, sub judice, sub-divisional magistrate, sub-inspector of police, subjective satisfaction, subordinate court, subordinate easements, subordinate judge, subrogation, conventional, subrogation, legal, subsequent mortgage, subsequent transferee, subsidiary company, subsistance allowance, subsistence grant, substantial damage, substantial error, substantial loss, substantial question of law, substantial similarity, substantive law, substituted agent, substituted service, succession certificate, succession, intestate, successive mortgages, sudden fight, sudden provocation, sue generis, sufficient evidence, sufficient reason, suggestio falsi, suicide by married woman, suicide, attempt to commit, suit for damage, suit, civil, suits of civil nature, summary procedure, summary proceeding, summary suit, summary trial, summons case, sundry receipts, suo motu, suo motu affidavit, superior court, supplementary grants, suppresio veri, suppression of evidence, suppression of fact, supreme court, supreme court judge, surplus budget, suspicious circumstances, sustainable development, sustained provocation, symbolical delivery, sympathy, the principle of, table of cases, tacking, prohibition of, taken into consideration, taking the pith and marrow of the invention, tamil nadu catering establishments act, tamil nadu general sales tax act, tamil nadu shops and establishments act, tangible immovable property, tangible property, tax evasion, tax payer, tax, direct, tax, entertainment, tax, income, tax, indirect, tax, profession, tax, property, tax, rebate, tax, recovery, tax, sales, tax, wealth, taxable income, taxable turnover, taxing officer, technical education, telegraphic message, tenancy act, tenancy at sufferance, tenancy at will, tenancy by estoppel, tenancy by holding over, tenancy by sufferance, tenancy in common, tenancy in perpetuity, tenancy rights, tenancy, joint, tenant at sufferance, tenant from year to year, tenant holding over, tenant, statutory, tender notice, tenure of lease, term of imprisonment, term of office, termination of lease, terms of contract, territorial army, territorial jurisdiction, territorial laws, territorial waters, testamentary capacity, testamentary gift, testamentary guardian, testimony of approver, text book, the indian evidence act, the information technology act, the wild life protection act, 1972, theft and extortion, theories of punishment, third party, third party insurance, third person, thumb impression, time barred debt, tirvai jasti, title, short, token grant, toll tax, tortious act, tortious liability, total income, total loss, total turnover, totalitarian state, town planning, trade dispute, trade mark, trade mark, infringement of, trade mark, registration of, trade marks act, trade marks registry, trade marks rules, trade name, trade secret, trade union act, trade union, trade, free, trading family, traffic control, tranquility, public, transfer by ostensible owner, transfer intervivos, transfer of absolute ownership, transfer of property, transfer, absolute, transitional arrangement, transnational policy, transportation for life, traveller’s cheque, trespass to land, trespass, ab initio, trespass, cattle, trespass, lurking house, trial court, trial de novo, tribes, criminal, tribes, scheduled, true copy, trust ownership, trust, breach of criminal, trustee de son tort, ubberrimae fidei, ubi jus ibi idem remedium, ultimate cost, ultimate objective, ultra vires, ultra vires of the constitution, unauthorised act, unauthorised occupation, under developed nation, under lease, under lessee, under protest, undivided family, undivided property, undivided share, undue advantage, undue influence, unearned leave, unfair labour practices, unfair trade practice, unicameral legislature, uniform civil code, unilateral contract, union list, union of india, union of states, union public service commission, union territories, unitary government, united kingdom, united nations, united nations organization (uno), universal declaration of human rights, universal donee, unjustified risk, unlawful activity, unlawful assembly, unlawful compulsory labour, unlawful demand, unlawful detention, unliquidated damage, unobstructed heritage, unpaid money, unpaid purchase money, unpaid seller, usages, tenets, etc., use and conservation of natural resource, usufructuary mortgage, uterine blood, related by, utilitarianism, theory of, vacant land, vacant possession, vacant post, vacation bench, vacation sitting, valid argument, valid certificate, valid contract, valid gift, valid marriage, valid retirement, valuable consideration, valuable security, valuation certificate, valuation officer, variations in the invention, vassel state, vegetation cover, vehicular pollution, vendor and purchaser, vendor’s lien, veracity of evidence, verbal evidence, verbal warranty, vertical identity, vested interest, vested remainder, vested right, vexatious litigation, vicarious liability, vice versa, video evidence, village forests, village industries, village officers, vinculum juris, violation of legal contract, vis major, visit, official, visual appeal, visual identity, visual recording, vital service, viva voce, vivos, inter, void agreement, void contract, void marriage, voidable agreement, voidable contract, voidable marriage, volenti non fit injuria, volte face, voluntary association, voluntary confession, voluntary drunkenness, voluntary licence, voluntary retirement, voluntary transfer, vote by proxy, vote of censure, vote of confidence, vote of voice, vote, casting, voting by proxy, voting paper, voting right, vs (versus), wage board, wagering contract, wages, minimum, waiver of forfeiture of a lease, waiver of fundamental right, waiver of privilege, wakf act, 1913, wakf intervivos, war crimes, wards, court of, warrant case, waste land, water act, 1974, water pollution, water tax, water ways, way, public, ways and means, weaker sections, wealth tax, weapon, deadly, wearing garb, weekly journal, weight and measure, welfare state, welfare, social, well-known trade mark, white collar crime, who may testify, wholesome environment, wild animal, wild life, wild life act, 1972, wild life conservation, wilful default, wilful neglect, winding up, withholding of evidence, working committee, working day, workmen’s compensation act, world commission on environment and development, world health organization (who), world intellectual property organisation, world trade organisation (wto), writ jurisdiction, writ of appeal, writ of certiorari, writ of habeas corpus, writ of mandamus, writ of prohibition, writ of quo warranto, writ petition, written admission, written constitution, written statement, written statements and applications, wrongful act, wrongful confinement, wrongful gain, wrongful loss, wrongful restraint, year, current, year, finance, year to year, youthful offender, zonal office,


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