ஆங்கிலச் சொற்சுருக்கங்கள்


சென்னைப்பேரகரமுதலியில் எடுத்தாளப்பட்டுள்ள, சொற்பிறப்பியல், வரையறைகளுக்கான சொற்சுருக்கப்பட்டியல்

எண் சுருக்கம் விரிவு எண் சுருக்கம் விரிவு
1 abbrev. abbreviation 2 abl. ablative
3 abst. abstract 4 accg. according
5 adj. adjectival 6 adj adjective
7 adv. adverb 8 (Advaita.) Advaita Philosophy
9 affirm. affirmative 10 (Akap.) Akapporu˜
11 (Alch.) Alchemy 12 ƒ‹aimalai. ƒ‹aimalai usage
13 apple appellative 14 Arab. Arabic
15 (Arch.) Architecture 16 (Arith.) Arithmetic
17 (Astrol.)) Astrology 18 (Astron.) Astronomy
19 (Atheistic.) Atheist Philosophy 20 Bharata. Bharata usage
21 Bible Bible usage 22 (Bot.) Botany
23 Brƒh. Bhƒhmin usage 24 Braz. Brazilian
25 (Buddh.) Buddhistic Philosophy 26 Bur. Burmese
27 C. Century 28 c.N. Che--i Nƒ–—u usage
29 cant. Cant term 30 Caus Causative
31 Cd. Cud dappah 32 cd. Cuddappah usage
33 cempatava. Cempatavar usage 34 Cent century
35 ceylon. Ceylon usage 36 cf. compare
37 C.g Chingleput 38 c.g Chingleput usage
39 child. childres's usage 40 Chin. Chinese
41 Chr. Christian usage 42 cir. circum (about)
43 cl. climber 44 Cm. Coimbatore
45 cm Coimbatore usage 46 co coorgee
47 coll. collective 48 colloq. colloquial
49 colloq. → (பேச்சு வழக்கு)
(எ. கா.) பாதாளலிங்கம்
colloquial 50 Conj. Conjunctional
51 contrac. contraction 52 corr Corruption
53 cr. creeper 54 Ct. Chittoor usage
55 dat. dative 56 demons. Demonstrative
57 demonstr. Demonstrative 58 Dial. Dialectal
59 Dist. District 60 dist.fr distinct from
61 Dut. Dutch 62 E. East
63 E. (after the 64 mark <) English
65 e.g. for example 66 Ed. Edition
67 (Engin) Engineering 68 ellipt. elliptically
69 (Erot.) erotics 70 esp. especially
71 euphem. euphemistically 72 expl. expletive
73 expr. expression 74 fam. familiar
75 Fem. Feminine 76 (Fig.) Figurative
77 fig. figuratively 78 fin.In. finite verb
79 Fr. French 80 Fr.In. French India usage
81 Fri. Friday 82 Ft. Footnote
83 fut future tense 84 G. Gondi
85 Gen. Genitive 86 genlly. generally
87 Ger. German 88 Gr. Greek
89 (Gram.) Grammar 90 Guj. Gujarati
91 Heb. Hebrew 92 Hind. Hindustain
93 Hindi Hindi 94 Hon. Honorific
95 i.e. that is 96 id. idem (same)
97 imit. initative of the sound 98 imp. impersonal
99 impers. impersonal 100 ind. indeclinable
101 (Insc.) inscription 102 instr. instrumental
103 int. interjection 104 inter.or interrog. interrogative
105 intr intransitive 106 Iru˜ar. Irular usage
107 It. Italian 108 (J.) Jaffna term
109 (Jaina) Jaina philosophy 110 Javan. Javanese
111 K. Kanarese 112 Ka‰‰ar Ka‰‰ar usage
113 Kƒ-ar Kƒ-ar usage 114 Kodai. Kodaikkanal usage
115 ss K†mu-- usage 116 Konkan. konkani
117 Kur. Kurukh 118 KuŠava KuŠava usage
119 l. large 120 l.cl. large climer
121 l.tr. large tree 122 Lat. Latin
123 (Legal.) Legal term 124 lit. literally
125 l†c. locative 126 Loc. Local usage
127 (Log) Logic. 128 M. Malayalam
129 m. medium 130 m.cl. medium climber
131 m.sh medium shrub 132 m.tr medium tree
133 Ma. Madras 134 Madr. Madras usage
135 Madu. Madura 136 Madu. Madura usage
137 Mahƒrƒ™-ra Mahƒrƒ™-ra usage 138 Malay. Malay language
139 MaŠavar MaŠavar usage 140 masc. masculine
141 (Math). Mathematics 142 M.d. Madras
143 (Med). Medicine 144 Mercant Metathesis
145 Mhr. Marathi 146 Mil. Military
147 M…mƒmsƒ). M…mƒmsƒ Philosophy 148 misi. misleading.
149 (Mod.) Modern 150 Mod. Modern usage
151 (Monistic.) Monistic Philosphy 152 Mr. Madura
153 Ms. Manuscript 154 Mss. Manuscripts
155 Muham. Muhammadan usage 156 (Mus.) Music
157 myth. mythology 158 N. North
159 n . noun 160 N.A. North Arcot
161 N.A. North Arcot usage 162 N.E. North-East
163 N.W. North-West 164 Nƒ. Nƒci Nƒ-u usage
165 Nƒ-..che-ti Nƒ—-ukk†--ai che--ai che--i usage 166 (Nƒ-ya.) Nƒ-ya
167 (Naut.) Nautical 168 Naut. Nautical usage
169 neg. negative 170 neut. neutral
171 nom. nominative 172 North. North India usage
173 Nurs. Nursery usage 174 O.K. Old Kanarese
175 oil-monger Oil-monger's usage 176 Onom. Onomatopoeic
177 opp. opposed 178 opt. optative
179 p. page 180 p.n. proper noun
181 palmistry Palmistry 182 paraphr. paraphrase
183 paŠiah PaŠiah usage 184 part. particle
185 Pd. pudukkotai 186 pd. Pudukkottai usage
187 perh. perhaps form 188 pers. person
189 persn. Persian 190 (Phil.) Philoslophy
191 Pkt.. PrƒkŠt 192 Pl. plural
193 (Poet.) poetics 194 pond. Pondicherry usage
195 Port. Pondicherry usage 196 poss. possessive case
197 pple. participle 198 pref. prefix
199 prep. preposition 200 pro. proably,probably from
201 pron.adj pronominal adjective 202 (pros.) Prosody
203 prov. Provincial usage 204 Pudu. Pudukkottai
205 Pudu. Pudukkottai usage 206 pulaiya. Pulaiyar usage
207 s PuŠapporu‰ 208 q.v. quod vide (which see)
209 R.C. Roman Cathlic usage 210 Rd. Ramnd usage
211 Redupl. Ruduplication 212 ref. reference
213 rel. relative 214 resp. respectively
215 (Rhet.) Rhetoric 216 S, small
217 S.A. south Arcot 218 S.A. south Arcot usage
219 s.cl. small climber 220 S.E. South-East
221 s.sh. small shrub 222 s.tr. small tree
223 S.W. south-West 224 (šaiva.) šaiva Philosophy
225 (s.) SƒŒkhya Philosphy 226 Sat. Saturday
227 Sec. Second 228 sh. shrub
229 sing. singular 230 Sinh. Sinhalese
231 Skt. Sanskrit 232 Slang. Slang usage
233 Sm. Salem 234 sm. Salem usage.
235 smƒrta. Smƒrta Brahmin usage 236 South South India usage
237 Span. Spanish 238 St. State
239 sub. substantive 240 suff. suffix
241 sun. sunday 242 syn. Synonym
243 Syr. Syriac 244 T. Telugu
245 term. termination 246 Thurst Thursday
247 Tib. Tibetan 248 Tinn. Tinnevelly usage
249 Tj. Tanjore 250 Tj. Tanjore usage
251 Tn. Tinnevelly 252 T.p. Trichinopoly
253 Tp. Trichinopoly usage 254 tr. tree
255 tr. transitive 256 transf. transferred sense
257 Tranqurbar. Tranquebar usage 258 Trav. Travancore usage
259 Tu. Travancore usage 260 Tues. Tuesday
261 Turk. Turkish 262 U. Urdu
263 usu. usually 264 v. verb
265 vai™. Vaisnava usage 266 Vai™Œ. Vai™Œava Philosophy
267 Va˜˜uva. Va˜˜uvar cast usage 268 var. variant
269 vbl. verbal 270 (V„dƒnta.) V„dƒnta Philosophy
271 Villi. Villi caste usage 272 viz. Vulgar usage
273 voc. Vulgar usage 274 Vul. Vulgar usage
275 W. West 276 (Weav.) Weaving
277 Weav. Wednesday 278 Wed. Wednesday
279 (Y†ga.) Y†ga Philosophy 280 ... ...

ஆங்கில நூல்கள்


சென்னைப்பேரகரமுதலியில் எடுத்தாளப்பட்டுள்ள, வல்லுனர்களின் சொற்சுருக்கப்பட்டியல் (ABBREVITION LIST OF AUTHORITIES CITED IN THE TAMIL LEXICON)

வரிசை சொற்சுருக்கம் நூலின் பெயர் நூலாசிரியர் வெளியீட்டகம்
1 (A) Quinze Cents Plantes dans L'inde. Achart, A. Dj. Imprimerie Des Miissions Etrangeres, Pondicherry, 1905.
2 (A.M.) The English-English-Tamil Dictionary. Mootootamby Phillay, A The Navalar Press, Jaffna, 1911, 2nd Edition.
3 (B.) Some Madras Trees Butterworth, A The Methodist Publishing House, Madras 1911.
4 (C. & T.) Castes and Tribes of South Inida Edgar Thurston The Government Press, Madras, 1909.
5 (C. E. M.) Terms form the College of Engineering Manual. Ms.
6 (C. E. P) Civil Engineering Papers. The Higginbothams, Ltd., Madras, 1869.
7 (C. G.) Classified Glossary Sivaramaiya, C. The Progressive Press, 1908.
8 (D.) The Useful Plants of India Drury, H. William H. Allen & Co., London, 1873, 2nd Edition.
9 (E. C.) Epigraphica Carnatika The Mysore Government Publication Government Press Mysore.
10 (E. I.) Epigraphica India Government of India Publication Government Press Madras.
11 (E. T.)
(எ. கா.) பாப்பாரக்கோலம்
Castes and Tribes of South India. Edgar Thurston Government Press Madras 1909.
12 (F.) or (F.B.) A Malabar and English Dictionary. Johann Philip Fabricius and John Christian Breithaupt Vepery, Madras 1809.
13 (F.) or (F.Mad.) List of Vernacular names of fishes of the Madras Presidency. Madras Government Publication Government Press, Madras.
14 (F.N.) List of names of fishes Sir Frederick Nicholson. Ms.
15 (G.. D) Gazetter .. District Madras Government Publication Government Press, Madras.
16 (H. J.) Hobson Jobson: A Clossary of Colloquial Anglo-Indian Words and Phrases and of kindred terms Yule, C.H. and Burnell, A. C. Edited by William Crooke, B.A., and published by John Murray, Albemarle Street, London, 1903.
17 (H. C. M) Hindu Caste Marks and Ornments of the Madrasi W. Rae Sheriffs Madras Christian College Magazine, September 1919.
18 (I. M.P.) Inscriptions of the Madras Presidency Madras Government Publication Government Press, Madras. 1919.
19 (I. P.) Five Hundred Indian Plants - Their Use in Medicine and the Arts. Pfleiderer, I. Basel Mission Book and Tract Depository, Mangalore, 1908, 2nd Edition.
20 (Insc. Pudu. St.) Inscriptions of the Pudukkottai State. Published by the Pudukkottai State. Sri Brhadamba State press, Pudukkottai, 1929.
21 (K. R.) A manual of Elementary Botany for India. Rangachari, K. .... The Government Press Madras, 1916.
22 (L.) Vernacular List of Trees, Shrubs and woody Climbers in the Madras Presidency. Lushington, A. W The Government Press Madras, 1915.
23 (M. .. D.) Manual .. District Madras Government Publication. The Government Press Madras,
24 (M .E. R.) Madras Epigraphical Reports. Madras Government Publ.ication. The Government Press Madras, 1916.
25 (M. L.) List of Medical Terms Surgon-General, Madras MS.
26 (M. Navi.) Manual of Navigation P. Mortimer Kulasekaram. St. Joseph's Industrial School Press, Colombogam, Jaffna, 1917.
27 (M. M.) Manual of the Administration of the Madras Presidency Madras Government Publ.ication. The Government Press Madras, 1893.
28 (Nels.) Madura Manual Nelson The Government Press Madras, 1893.
29 (Or. Mss. Cat) Catalogue of the Government Oriental Manuscripts Library ..... The Government Press Madras, 1893.
30 (P.) A Hand-book of the Ordinary Dialect of the Tamil Language. Pope, G. U. The Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1905, 7th Edition.
31 Pd. M. Pudukkottai Manual Published by the Pudukkottai State. Sri Brhadamba State Press, Pudukkottai.
32 (R. ) A Dictionary of the Tamil Languages. Rottler, Dr. Vepery, 1834 - 37.
33 (R. F) List of Revenue Terms in use in South India Robert Fischer MS.
34 (R. T) List of Revenue Terms Sundararaja Aiyangar, MS.
35 Rd. M. Ramnad Manual S. Rajaram Rao, T. (Diwan of Ramnad) Published by the Ramnad State.
36 (S. I. I.) South Indian Inscriptions. Madras Government Publications Government Press, Madras
37 (T. A. S.) Travancore Archaeological Series. Travancore Government Publications Methodist Publishing House, Madras, 1910 - 13.
38 (T.A.S. H.O.P.) Travancore Archaeological Series-Huzur Office Plate. Travancore Government Publications Methodist Publishing House, Madras, 1910 - 13.
39 (T. B.) The Tamil Bible Travancore Government Publications S.P.C.K. Press, Madras, 1909
40 (T. B. D.) The Tamil Bible Dictionary Clatton, A. C. The C.L.S., Madras, 1909.
41 (Tam.) The Tamil Eighteen Hundred Yers Ago Kanakasabhi, V. The Higginbothams Ltd., Madras. 1904
42 (Tr. M.) Travancore Manual Travancore Government Publication Methodist Press, Madras.
43 (Tr. Rev. M.) Travancore Revenue Manual. Travancore Government Publication Methodist Press, Madras.
44 (W.)
(எ. கா.) பாதராயணன்
A Comprehensive Tamil-English Dictionary. Winslow, M. The American Mission Press, Madras, 1862.
45 (W. G.)
(எ. கா.) பாதவந்தனிகம்
Wilson's Glossary Wilson W.H. Allen & Co., London, 1855
46 (Watt.) The Commercial Products of India. Sir George Watt Hazell Watson and Viney Ltd., London, 1908.

ஆங்கில நூலாசிரியர்


சென்னைப்பேரகரமுதலியில் எடுத்தாளப்பட்டுள்ள நூலாசிரியர்கள் (LIST OF AUTHORS CITED IN THE TAMIL LEXICON)

  1. AchartA. Dj. Quinze Cents Plantes dans L' Inde.
  2. Burnell S.C. and Yule, C. H. Hobson Jobson.
  3. Butterworth, A. Some Madras Trees.
  4. Clayton, A.C. Tamil Bible Dictionary.
  5. Drivy, H. The Useful Plants of India.
  6. Edgar Thurston, Castes and Tribes of South India.
  7. Fabricius, Johann Philip and Breithaupt, John Christian. A Malabar-English Dictionary.
  8. Government of India Publications. Ephigraphica Indica.
  9. Kanakasabhai, V. The Tamils Eighteen Hundred years ago.
  10. Lushington, A. W. Vernacular List of Trees, Shrubs and Woody Climbers in the Madras Publications.
  11. Madras Government Publications.
    • Inscriptions of the Madras Presidency.
    • List of vernacular names of fishes of the Madras Presidency.
    • Madras Epigraphical Reports.
    • Gazetteers of Districts.
    • Manuals of Districts.
    • Manual of the Madras Presidency.
    • South Indian Inscriptions.
  12. Mootootamby Pillay, A. The English-English-Tamil Dictionary.
  13. Mortimer Kulasekaram, P. Manual of Navigation.
  14. Mysore Government Publication, Epigraphica Carnatika.
  15. Nelson. Madura Manual.
  16. Pfleiderer, I. Five Hundred Indian Plants.
  17. Pope, G. U. A Hand-book of the Ordinary Dialect of the Tamil Language.
  18. Pudukkottai State Publications. Inscriptions of the Pudukkottai State. Pudukkottai Manual.
  19. Rae Sheriffs, W. Hindu Caste Marks and Ornaments of the Madrasis.
  20. Raja Ram Rao, T. Ramnad Manual.
  21. Rangachari, K. A. Manual of Elementry Botany for India.
  22. Rottler, Dr. A Dictionary of the Tamil and English Languages
  23. Sivaramaiya, C. Classified Glossary.
  24. Travancore Government Publications.
  25. Travancore Archaeological Series.
  26. Huzur Office
  27. Travancore Manual.
  28. Travancore Revenue Manual.
  29. Watt, Sir George. The Commercial Products of India.
  30. Wilson. Wilson's Glossary.
  31. Winslow, M. A Comprehensive Tamil-English Dictionary.
  32. Yule, C.H. and Burnell, A. C. Hobson Jobson.

