பகுப்பு:ஆங்கிலம்-கனடியக் கொடை
திட்டப்பக்கம் : விக்சனரி:கனடிய நண்பரின் சொற்கோவை
"ஆங்கிலம்-கனடியக் கொடை" பகுப்பிலுள்ள பக்கங்கள்
இந்தப்பகுப்பின் கீழ் உள்ள 1,919 பக்கங்களில் பின்வரும் 200 பக்கங்களும் உள்ளன.
(முந்திய பக்கம்) (அடுத்த பக்கம்)A
- ab intestato
- abandon a claim
- abate rules
- abdominal gas
- aberrant condition
- abide by the rules
- ableism
- abnormal condition
- aboriginal peoples
- above suspicion
- absolute discharge
- absolute proof
- abstinence from substances
- absurdism
- academy of music
- accede to a request
- accelerated learning
- accept a claim
- acceptable document
- acceptable documentation
- acceptance after sight
- acceptance supra protest
- access to property
- accessory after the fact
- accessory before the fact
- accident benefits
- account balance
- account statement
- account value
- accounting clerk
- accounting equation
- accounting system
- accounts payable
- accounts receivable coverage
- accrued expenses
- accumulated depreciation
- acquired disease
- acquired immune deficiency syndrome
- acquired property
- act of commission
- act of gross indecency
- act of omission
- act of violence
- acting area
- action maze
- active account
- active verb
- active voice
- activity step
- actual cash value
- acute care
- adaptive (adjustive) device
- addiction to drugs
- addictive drug (substance)
- additional insured
- additional living expense insurance
- additional premium
- adduce evidence
- ademption
- adhesive bandage
- adjunct program
- adjustable-rate
- adjusted annual rate
- adjustment date
- admissibility hearing
- adoption of convenience
- adoptive parent
- adversarial system of justice
- adverse impact
- adverse reaction
- advocacy group
- aesthetic qualities
- aestheticism
- affective domain
- affirmant
- affirmative action
- affirmative verb
- after-school program
- ageism
- agent bank
- aggravated assault
- aggrieved party
- agreement of purchase and sale
- air ambulance
- all-risk policy all-perils policy
- allocation of funds
- allotment of shares
- allow a claim
- alternate level of care
- alternative dispute resolution
- alternative medicine
- alternatives to detention
- Alzheimer’s disease
- amaranth
- amateur dramatics
- ambiguous statement
- ambulatory patient
- amendment to agreement
- amicable settlement
- amicus curiae friend of the court
- amortization schedule
- anal examination
- analysis phase
- andragogy
- annual percentage
- ante nuptial settlement
- anti-black racism
- anti-oppression
- anti-racism
- anti-racist education
- anti-semitism
- anticlimax bathos
- antirealism
- antonym opposite
- anxiety disorder
- apartment building
- apartment unit
- appear in court
- appearance notice
- appearance of bias
- appellative verb
- appraisal clause
- appraised value
- apprehend the suspect
- appropriate public funds
- arbitral tribunal
- arbitrary decision
- archaic word
- Are you guilty or not guilty ?
- areca palm
- aromatherapy
- asset valuation
- assigner assignor
- assignment court
- assonance
- assumed liability
- asymmetrical federalism
- asyndeton
- at (the) bar
- at a premium
- attainment target
- attempted murder
- Attorney General
- attributive
- auction strategy
- auditory test hearing test
- authentic (genuine) document
- authenticated document
- authoring tool
- authoritarianism
- authoritative document
- authority on law
- authority to enforce
- authorize to enforce the act
- autodidactism
- automated teller machine
- automatic funds transfer
- automobile insurance
- automobile line
- autopsy post mortem examination
- average daily balance
- average price
- average prudent person
- avocado butter-fruit
- avoidance of risk
- Ayurveda
- back pain
- back plum
- back-stage
- bad faith intent to deceive
- bael fruit
- bail hearing
- bailee
- balance of evidence
- balance of probabilities
- balancing of ledgers
- balearic myrobalan
- bank identifier code
- bank insurance fund
- bank investment contract
- bank note
- bank note -
- bank service charges
- Bar
- barren money
- basic insurance policy
- basic skills
- be admitted (called) to the bar
- be faithful and bear true allegiance
- bead tree
- behaviour modification therapy
- bell fruit
- Bench
- bench decision
- bench warrant
- beneficial ownership
- benefit of the doubt
- Bengal gram
- best interests of the child