துணைப் பகுப்புகள்
இந்தப் பகுப்பில் மொத்தம் உள்ள 2 துணைப்பகுப்புகளில் பின்வரும் 2 துணைப்பகுப்புகள் இங்கு காட்டப்பட்டுள்ளன.
"ஆங்கிலம்-மொழியியல்" பகுப்பிலுள்ள பக்கங்கள்
இந்தப்பகுப்பின் கீழ் உள்ள 842 பக்கங்களில் பின்வரும் 200 பக்கங்களும் உள்ளன.
(முந்திய பக்கம்) (அடுத்த பக்கம்)A
- abdominal breathing
- abdominal cavity
- ablative
- ablaut
- absolute state
- abstract name
- abstract word
- abstraction
- accent marker
- accentuation
- accusative case
- acoustic filter
- acoustic technique
- acousticist
- acoustics phonetics
- acoustics spectrum
- active passive transformation
- actual word
- actualization
- adaptability
- adaptation
- additive morpheme
- address system
- adjective transformation
- adjunct
- administrative terms
- adnominal
- adstratum
- aesthetic sense
- aesthetic vocabulary
- affix
- affixation
- affixing language
- affricate
- agentive
- agetial case
- agglutination
- agglutinative
- agglutinative language
- air cavity
- air chambar
- air stream
- alienable
- alliteration
- allomorph
- allophone
- alphabetic writing
- alternant
- alternant form
- alternation
- alternation change
- alveolar
- alveolar arch
- alveolar region
- alveolar stop
- ambiguity
- ambiguous immediate constituent
- amorphous change
- analecta
- analogical change
- analogical creation
- analogical extension
- analogical form
- analogical induction
- analogous
- analytic growth
- analytic language
- anaphoric
- anaptyctic vowel
- anaptyxis
- antimetabole
- antimetathesis
- antonymy
- anusvara
- aperture
- aphasia
- apico dental
- apico dental sound
- apico domal
- apico interdental
- apico interdental sound
- appeletive noun
- appeletive verb or conjugated noun
- arbitary names
- archaic
- archimorpheme
- articulate
- articulation
- articulator
- articulatory phonetics
- aspect ratio
- aspical consonant
- aspirate
- aspirated
- aspirated consonant
- aspirated stop
- aspiration
- assimilation
- assimilation of vowels
- assonant
- assonantal
- attribute
- attributive adjective
- attributive compound
- attributive construction
- attributive noun
- attributive root
- audibility
- auditory phonetics
- automatic alternation
- auxiliary constituent
- auxiliary verb
- cacuminal
- capital letters
- card catalogue division
- cardinals
- cardinals vowel
- case classification
- case ending
- case form
- case markers (morphs)
- casual verb
- catalogue
- causative
- celticize
- celtologist
- central vowel
- centralization
- centralized sound
- classical literature
- classifiers
- clause level
- clitic
- close syllable
- close vowel
- closed vowels
- closing morpheme
- closing vowel
- closure
- co-articulation
- co-occurrence
- co-ordinate construction
- co-ordinating conjunction
- co-ordinative constructer
- coalescent affix
- code name
- code of a syllable
- coded instruction
- cognate
- cognate dialect
- cognate form
- cognates
- cognation
- coinage
- coined word
- colloquial
- colloquial style
- colloquialism
- comparative adjective
- comparative case
- comparative grammar
- comparative linguistics
- comparative method
- compensatory lengthening
- compensatory lengthening of vowel
- compensatory shortening
- complete assimilation
- complex embedding
- componental analysis
- compound base
- compound noun
- compound phoneme
- compound stem
- compound syllable
- compound verb
- compound word
- concord
- concretion
- condensation
- conditional mood
- conditional participle
- conjugation