"ஆங்கிலம்-உடற்செயலியல்" பகுப்பிலுள்ள பக்கங்கள்
இந்தப்பகுப்பின் கீழ் உள்ள 1,900 பக்கங்களில் பின்வரும் 200 பக்கங்களும் உள்ளன.
(முந்திய பக்கம்) (அடுத்த பக்கம்)A
- abdominal cavity
- abdominal gas
- abdominal muscle
- abducens nerve
- abduction
- abductor muscle
- abductor pollicis brevis muscle
- abductor pollicis longus muscle
- abrasion
- abscess
- accessory food factor
- accessory gland
- accomadation of the eye
- acetabulum
- aceto-aceticacid
- adductor brevis muscle
- adductor longus muscle
- adductor magnus muscle
- adductor minimus muscle
- adductor muscle
- adenoid
- adipose tissue
- adrenal cortex
- adrenal cortex, adrenal medulla
- adrenal gland
- adrenal medulla
- adrenaline
- adrenergic nerve
- aerotactic
- aerotaxis
- afferent fibre
- afferent nerve
- after image
- agamogenesis
- aircell
- airsinus
- albumen
- albumin
- albuminoid
- alcohol
- aleurone
- alimentary absorbtion
- alimentary canal
- alimentary secretion
- alum
- alveolar (alvelus air
- alveolus
- alveolus,pulp cavity
- amino acid
- amoeba
- amoeboid movement
- ampulla
- amylase
- amylolytic enzyme
- anabolism
- anaesthetic
- animal parasite
- animal physiology
- anisometropia
- ankle
- antagonistic muscle
- anterior (adj)
- anterior root
- anterior scalenus muscle
- anthocyanin
- anti - toxin
- antibody
- antigen
- antiseptic
- anus
- aorta
- aortic valve
- appendage
- appendicitis
- appendicular skeleton
- applied anatomy
- aqueous
- aqueous humour
- arachonid membrane
- areola
- areolar tissue
- arm
- arm pit, axilla
- arnotts valve
- arrectores pilorum muscle
- arsenic
- arterial blood
- artery,pulse
- artesian well
- arthrosis
- articular cartilage
- articulations
- artificial
- artificial respiration
- artsem
- arytenoid cartilage
- asbestos
- ascending colon
- ascorbic acid
- asphyxia, suffocation
- aspiration
- assimilation
- asthma
- astigmatism
- astrocyte
- asymmetry
- atlas vertebra
- atmosphere
- atrium (ventricle)
- attendant
- audiometer
- audition
- audition limit
- auditory canal
- auditory capsule
- auditory nerve
- auditory or ear ossicle
- auditory tube
- auricle of ear
- auricle of heart
- auricular reflex (bainbridge)
- auscultation
- autonomic
- autonomic centre
- autonomic function
- autonomic nervous
- autonomic nervous system
- axial skeleton
- axis bone
- axis cylinder
- axon(nerve)
- bacillus
- back bone,vertebra,spine
- bainbridges reflex
- balanced diet
- ball and socket joint
- bandage
- barometer
- baryta
- basal metabolism
- base
- beating of the heart
- beef
- beer
- bel (decibel)
- bell jar
- bell trap
- bellows
- belly, abdomen
- beriberi
- berkfield filter
- beverage
- biceps branchii muscle
- biceps femoris muscle
- biceps muscle
- bicuspid teeth
- bicuspid valve, mitral value
- bilarycanal
- bile
- bile capillary
- bile duct
- bile pigment
- bile salts
- binaural audition
- binocular vision
- biochemical
- bioelectric
- biological
- biological control
- biophysics
- bisexual
- bite
- bladder
- bleaching powder
- body
- body -cavity or coelome
- body clock
- body fluid
- body louse
- body temperature
- body wall
- boil, blister, vehicle
- bone cell
- bone formation
- bone, os
- bones
- bony canal
- bony labyrinth of ear
- bowel, intestine
- bowmans capsule
- boyles mica flap ventilator
- brachial artery
- bragg-paul pulsator
- brain
- breast bone, sternum
- breath
- breathe
- breathe, inhalation
- brewers yeast
- bronchi