துணைப் பகுப்புகள்
இந்தப் பகுப்பின் கீழ் பின்வரும் ஒரு துணைப்பகுப்பு மட்டுமே உள்ளது.
"ஆங்கிலம்-தாவரவியல்" பகுப்பிலுள்ள பக்கங்கள்
இந்தப்பகுப்பின் கீழ் உள்ள 4,016 பக்கங்களில் பின்வரும் 200 பக்கங்களும் உள்ளன.
(முந்திய பக்கம்) (அடுத்த பக்கம்)A
- aal
- aalii
- Aaron's beard
- Aaron's rod
- abaxial
- abaxial surface
- abelmosk
- abiogenesis
- abortive
- abrasion
- abscission layer
- absinthium
- absorbed film
- absorbing region
- absorption of oxygen
- abstriction
- acacia
- Acacia sundara
- acanthaceae family
- acauline
- acceptor
- accervulus
- accessory bud
- accessory catalyst
- accessory chromosome
- accessory or super-numerary cambium
- accessory root bud
- accessory whorl
- acclimatisation
- accretion
- accumbent
- acenta
- acetylcholine
- achene
- achenial fruit
- achlamydeous
- achromatic figure
- acicular
- acid bath
- acid radical
- acquired character
- acquired immunity
- acrocarpous
- acropetal
- acropetal succession
- actinomorphy
- actinostele
- activator
- active absorption
- active bud
- active process
- active transport
- active uptake
- aculeated
- acuminate
- acute sedge
- acute tip
- acyclic
- acyclic spiral phyllotaxy
- adaptation
- adaxial
- adaxial surface
- adderwort
- additive division
- adelphous
- adhesion
- adhesive
- adnate
- adnate stipuls
- adonis
- adsorption
- advanced condition
- adventitious
- adventitious bud
- adventitious embryo
- adventitious root
- adventitious structure
- aecidiospore
- aecidium
- aeration
- aerenchyma
- aerial
- aerial adventitious root
- aerial organ
- aerial root
- aerial roots
- aerial stem
- aerobc
- aerobe
- aerobic bacteria
- aerobic respiration
- aerotropism
- aestivation
- aestivation (of floral parts)
- aestivation (opp. of hibernation)
- aetaerio, etaerio
- aetiology (etiology)
- affinity
- affinity index
- aflotoxin
- after-effect
- agamete
- agar
- agaricus
- agave
- agglomerate
- agglomerate sclereids
- agglomerate, convergence
- agglutinated
- agglutination
- aggregate fruit
- aggregate of drupe
- aggregate of follicle
- aggregation
- agronomy
- air chamber
- air embolism
- air pore
- air space
- air space system
- air-cavity
- air-cell
- air-tight
- akinete
- alae
- albumen
- albuminous seed
- alburnum
- alchemist
- alcohol bath
- alcoholic fermentation
- aldehyde
- ale
- aleurone grain
- aleurone layer
- alga
- algae
- algal zone
- aliform parenchyma
- aliphatic
- alkali bath
- alkali disease
- alkaline soil
- alkaloid
- alkaloids
- allelomorph
- allheal
- allopatric type
- allopolyploid
- allowable velocity
- aloe wood (eagle wood)
- alternate
- alternate (or) secondary
- alternate arrangement
- alternate pitting
- alternation of generation
- alternation of generations
- alveolus
- amanita
- ambrette musk
- amental
- amentum (catkin)
- American laurel
- amides
- amino acid
- amitosis
- amoeba
- amoeboid
- amoeboid movement
- amorphous
- amorphous matrix
- amphibious
- amphibious plant
- amphicribal bundle
- amphicribral bundle
- amphiphloic siphonostele
- amphitropous
- amphivasal bundle
- amygdalin
- amylaceous
- amylase
- amyloplast
- amyloplasts
- anabolic
- anabolism
- anaerobe
- anaerobe facultative
- anaerobe obligate
- anaerobic
- anaerobic bacteria
- analogous
- analogue
- analyser
- anamocytic
- anaphase
- anastomosis
- anatomical symptoms
- anatomy of node
- anatomy of root
- anatropous